The community in San Antonio is planning a drive-by birthday parade for a 5-year-old boy who lost his parents in COVID-19

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – Family, friends and loved ones celebrated the fifth birthday of a special little boy with a drive-by-car parade on Saturday in San Antonio.

Raiden Gonzalez lost both her parents in COVID-19 in 100 days, and community members want to make the day memorable for her.

READ MORE: – One-year-old boy loses both days to parents with coronavirus, and lives 102 days apart

Raiden rode with firefighters in one of the city’s fire trucks before the party began.

Later party guests boarded trucks and cars to pay their respects to him with happy birthday messages.

Raiden also visited the family of Batman and the dinosaurs.

See also: V-year-old boy who lost both parents to COVID-19 has worldwide support

The family members who organized the celebration want her to feel loved and supported, even if her parents cannot come to celebrate with her.

They have also arranged for a funeral fund for her parents and Raiden and her caregiver, her grandmother, who may be in need.

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