First time independent voter Benja Richardson Tuesday’s infamous debate between U.S. presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jen Biden is expected to present a vision of the future and unity amid ongoing climate unrest.
Instead, Winston-Salem’s 18-year-old student, from North Carolina, a potential swing state, said it opened his eyes to “what a devastating time we’re in.”
“It was supposed that night what kind of change was happening in our future, what kind of new policies would be implemented and the two candidates tore each other’s past, so we couldn’t find it anywhere. Richardson said he plans to vote for former Democratic Vice President Biden.
In the next two scheduled discussions – if they move forward following the president’s coronavirus infection and refuse to agree to the rules of the new debate – she said she wants to see “more professionalism from everyone … and not just fight back and forth”.
The unprecedented television debate – which saw chaotic scenes of constant disruptions and riots, mostly led by Trump – with the president refusing to condemn the White supremacists – met with universal condemnation from viewers, journalists and critics.
CNN’s chief political correspondent, Dana Bash, immediately described it as a “shitshow” live broadcast, while her colleague Jack Tapper described it as a “hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck.”
Even Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, who moderated the discussion and criticized it for not imposing more control over the proceedings, later said: “I never even dreamed that the track would move the way it did.”
Rafaello Venkuten, owner of a Brooklyn restaurant and bar, agreed with Bash. “It was a perfect shit show,” he said, noting how he planned to vote.
“His vote is to move votes, right?” To get people to go out and vote. Neither side did it. As a business owner, as a fisherman, a little democratic, nothing has been done. They didn’t go to cross any wing. ”
Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia (UVA), has watched every television debate in U.S. presidential history since the 1960s with John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
“It simply came to our notice then. It was horrible. That was mainly, I would say 75-80% because of Donald Trump. And then the bulk of the remaining 20-25% will be Chris Vlace Les for not doing his job. “
But he said Biden should not call Trump a “clown”, adding: “We are not used to this kind of thing in the presidential debate. We expect candidates to maintain a good display of pride.
The biggest impact of the debate will be on Trump, he said, adding that he took “the greatest opportunity to build the ground.” RealClear-Patriots on average – trailing President Biden by C.2 points – the President is currently trailing in the election.
The poll also shows that most American voters believe the president lost the first debate. In a CNBC / Change Research survey, 53% of prospective voters said Biden performed better than 29% of those who won the trip.
“If he had won the debate, people would have started talking about Trump returning,” said Sabato, who estimates that only% to %% of Americans have yet to make up their minds about how they will vote.

Through further discussions, he said millions more people would already be able to cast their votes. And through the final debate, he estimates that “a third or more” will vote.
The catastrophic event made plans for an “additional constitution” for the rest of the discussions. But Trump indicated on Thursday that he would not agree to any rule changes, tweeting: “Why would I allow the Debate Commission to change the rules for the second and third debates when I easily won the last one?”
Sabto vowed to cancel the rest of the discussions. “They should just cancel them. You can’t have a civil discussion with Donald Trump. Surely we know that from now on, ”he said.
Tuhin Chakraborty, a 20-year-old student from Michigan who supported Pete Battingig in the Democratic primary, said he was impressed by Biden’s performance but that Trump “behaves like a child.” He added: “When I hear the word ‘Mr President’ I really hope he doesn’t hear that kind of behavior and I was very disappointed that he behaves like a child like a president.”
Chakraborty, who lives in Ann Arbor, said the commission on presidential discussions “needs to do a better job of maintaining a separate rule of law to ensure candidates are able to express not only rhetoric but also what their policy views are.”
But in many cases it may be too late for the voters to be affected by the next discussion.
In a serious swing state in Florida, Matt Florell, chairman of St. Pete Poles, said trends have strengthened in recent months with only 1-2% of voters undecided and “unprecedented” enthusiasm for early voting. “It doesn’t seem like a lot of events are influencing people to change their minds at this point.”
U.S. Jacqueline Salitt, chairwoman of the independent organization IndependentVoting.OR, which represents the interests of independent voters in, believes that many independents do not see the debate because they are “sick of the process now.” But he predicts most independent voters will vote for Democrats.
Many female independents in the debate compared her to “watching two little boys fight in a sandbox.” He added: “Trump has taken his bullying level to a new level.”
U.S. Chris Jackson, head of public voting for Ipsos in, said the debate “crushed even the lowest level of expectations”.
“Especially during the presidential debates, from President Trump to Id Biden, a very divisive tone, a very disrespectful tone, is just shocking to most people.”
But functionally, he doesn’t expect it to have much of an impact on the election. According to his poll, there was “almost no movement” in the intent of the people to vote for any candidate. But, he said, “Biden may have some support behind him.”
He predicted a different tone for Vice Presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris on Wednesday night in Salt Lake City, which is expected to be “relatively pleasant.”
But when it comes to the final two presidential discussions, currently scheduled for October 15 in Miami and October 22 in Nashville, “all bets are off.” He added: “If 2020 has taught us anything, it could always be worse.”