The CDC is particularly concerned about the death of one state coronavirus – BGR

  • Coronavirus deaths are predicted to accelerate in one western U.S. state, according to the latest estimate of the week released by the CDC.
  • CDC experts think Colorado will see an acceleration in coronavirus deaths over the next few weeks.
  • By September 5, the CDC predicts that the U.S. as a whole could see as many as 30,000 additional coronavirus deaths.

According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, a former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is now the third leading cause of death in the U.S., with coronavirus deaths ahead of accidents, injuries, lung disease, and diabetes.

That’s how he put it in a recent conversation CNN, added that the US has averaged more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths per day in the past three weeks. This comes as the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University show that more than 5.4 million coronavirus infections have been reported in the US to date, along with more than 170,000 deaths. And the CDC thinks the pandemic is about to get worse, at least from the point of view of an increase in coronavirus deaths, in one state in particular.

The latest CDC estimate provides an updated assessment of the number of deaths that public health officials expect to see from the coronavirus in the US over the next several weeks. Breaking things down to the state level, this new assessment sets Colorado apart from the CDC’s prediction that coronavirus deaths there are likely to start taking over the next few weeks, while coronavirus deaths are expected to decrease over the same period in places like Arizona, Vermont, and Wyoming.

“This week’s national ensemble forecast predicts that 4,200 to 10,600 new COVID-19 deaths will be reported in the week ending September 5 and that 180,000 to 200,000 total COVID-19 deaths will be reported by that date,” reports the CDC, continuing Note that “forecasts of ensemble at state and territory level predict that the number of reported new deaths per week in the next four weeks in Colorado may increase.”

The most recent data from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, available here, shows that 163 patients are currently hospitalized with coronavirus in Colorado. Overall, the state has recorded nearly 1,900 coronavirus deaths. Among the measures being taken in the state to combat the pandemic, on July 17, Gov. Jared Polis signed an executive order requiring everyone to wear a face mask when indoors. Meanwhile, bars and nightclubs were required to close services of individuals from 30 June.

Wildfires in the area the last few days have not helped matters. “This smoke can actually increase some of the symptoms of COVID-19 and can make you more vulnerable to COVID-19 because the smoke can work to break down your immune system,” said Scott Landes, of the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division. told the state health department Denver7 on Thursday.

Andy is a reporter in Memphis who also contributes to outlets such as Fast Company and The Guardian. If he does not write about technology, he can be found protective about his growing collection of vinyl, as well as his Whovianism nursing and binge on a variety of TV shows that you probably will not like.
