The Carnival Diet can lead to weight loss, but there is a catch

Carnivorous foods are not for the faint of heart. Dubbed the “no-carb diet”, those who follow it eat only meat and sometimes eggs and dairy and, as the evidence suggests. Lose weight. Where others The diet has failed, A meal plan that can be skipped Are all fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans or grains really the answer? If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. In this case, experts specialize in health issues such as heart disease and Gastric cancer Maybe for a reason enough to eat a little healthier?

The carnivorous diet was born out of the controversial idea that humans were born to eat (more readable, easier and more evolutionary) Meat So that’s what we should eat now. Fictional reports say that diet is the opposite of stubborn diseases and conditions for which there is no cure. The two biggest benefits claim are autoimmune disorder management and weight loss. The evidence for these claims is as thin as paper.

To date, no scientific research has been able to analyze the health effects of a non-vegetarian diet, and the person most famous for promoting it does not really provide a credential to address the lack of research. Former orthopedic surgeon Shaun Baker focuses on non-vegetarians in his 2019 book Carnival Diet. Baker’s medical license was revoked in 2017 by the New Mexico Medical Board due to concerns about his eligibility.

“In the short term, a non-vegetarian diet may not hurt anyone. “But it’s an unusual diet,” said Liz Vanandi, a dietitian at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Everyday health. Some critics are rude. “This diet is absolutely ridiculous,” said expert dietitian Nicola Ludlam-Raine. Internal. “In the long run it can have some serious health effects, not to mention the weakened immune system that makes you feel overwhelmed by coughs and colds.”

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    Short-term effects of carnivore diet

    Carnivorous foods are in some ways a more extreme version of low-carb Cato And Paleo Diet. People who try have usually tried one of the other two in the past and have not found the results they were looking for. Although there is no way to adhere to a non-vegetarian diet, some professionals recommend eating lean meats and other high-fat animal products. Unlike protein-heavy foods, eating high-fat foods is more likely to cause ketosis – the process of burning fat for fuel instead of carbs, which can lead to rapid weight loss in the short term.

    Eating more fatty foods can also make a person feel full. “Satisfying yourself with these foods can help reduce your calorie intake, because you won’t feel hungry, it will cause weight loss,” said Holly Zammit, a clinical dietitian at Orlando Health. ” US News. Eating breakfast on an all-meat diet can also be difficult. Although you are used to putting chips in your mouth while watching TV, you are unlikely to do so with pieces of chicken breast.

    Another explanation for non-vegetarian weight loss is that eating meat has nothing to do with it. Instead, you have to do what you shouldn’t eat: pastries and sodas and sugars. Cutting these foods can help with weight management or weight loss. (But you can cut it out of your life without removing the food from the soil.) Because there have been no studies on non-vegetarian diets, so why – or so If – It reduces weight.

    In addition to the lost pounds, other short-term effects are much less beautiful. Some people report diarrhea in the days or weeks after the switch is made. The comedian tried the diet if the disease and that though Lost 12 pounds, He had explosive diarrhea for weeks. And although weight loss is the biggest draw in the diet, some people have tried it Rapid weight gain and bloating Among other issues such as body odor, acne and upset stomach.

    Long-term consequences of the carnivore diet

    Prolonged non-vegetarian diets can lead to many health problems. “It’s largely devoid of nutrients, carbs and fiber that will probably leave you feeling short of energy,” Ludlam-Raine said. Fiber is not found in animal products, and its lack can cause constipation and nausea. Intestinal microbiome. Avoiding fruits and vegetables can also mean losing key nutrients and vitamins, although supplements can help with what carnivores lack in their diet. Plus, fruits and vegetables are just as good for you. Eating plant-based foods lowers the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes and other chronic health conditions. Healthline.

    Although some of the nutrients in a non-vegetarian diet do not provide enough, it does provide a lot of people. Carnivores are at high risk of overloading with saturated fats, which can raise LDL cholesterol levels and Increases the risk of heart disease. Processed meats, such as bacon, salami and ham, are high in sodium. There is a risk of eating too much salt Health hazards Such as kidney disease and high blood pressure. Eating processed meat has also been linked to increased rates of some cancers.

    The carnivorous fact is that non-vegetarian food is very boring. The idea of ​​bacon and steak all day long can be tempting at first, but it can also aging and provoke unwanted feelings towards food. “Adherence to any restricted diet can often lead to loneliness and social isolation. It can build distrust with yourself, disconnect your relationship with your body and food. “All of this can negatively affect your quality of life, especially if in the long run.”

    Talk to a dietitian or other healthcare professional if you are considering a non-vegetarian diet or any extreme diet. While one way of eating can be healthy for some people, it can be harmful for others. People with a history of kidney disease and improper diet, for example, should not try a non-vegetarian diet. And if you’re in it for weight loss, remember that not all types of weight loss are healthy – and staying healthy is more important than being thin.