The ‘Beyond the Light’ delay raises an important question about ‘Destiny 2’ Year 4

The delay in Beyond Light expansion from September 22 to November 10 is certainly going to cause some trouble for the current season of Destiny 2. Arrivals will now have to extend for another 50 days, and will probably run out of steam just when players were excited to play the new expansion in the fall.

Sorry for Bungie here as I know they are not excited about the delay, they now have to face Cyberpunk and Assassin’s Creed a week later plus a bunch of other great releases along with Xbox Series X and PS5 that we don’t have dates yet . But it is almost certain that it will also be November. (Destiny: Beyond Light versus Halo Infinite? Epic, but annoying for both parties).

However, my question is not really about Arrivals or Beyond Light. I wonder what this will do to Destiny 2: Year 4 and its seasonal model.

One thing I didn’t see that was mentioned much yesterday is the fact that one of two things has to happen now:

Year 4’s seasonal model will have to change two months entirely, and we could now see The Witch Queen in 2021 released in November as well, so there’s a full year between them. But I don’t think Bungie wants to do that, or make November instead of September a normal thing.

So the second option is that the length of the season will have to be altered in some way. It cuts a little from each season, so each season is shorter (50 days divided by four means you would shave about two weeks each season), or instead, we could just skip an entire season.

Starting Season 13 (the season after Beyond Light) “on time” would mean it arrives in December. But with Beyond Light debuting in November, that would crush season 12 or delay season 13. And again, somewhere, we have to figure out where to make up for those lost 50 days. This is the reason why this expansion delay is much more complicated than the delay of most games, because most of the games are not doing seasons with content updates and stories that fall every two weeks more or less during all year. Even Fortnite doesn’t really have to deal with this, as although it’s a seasonal model, it doesn’t have anything that resembles a set schedule, so we often see delays of weeks or months there and it doesn’t really matter at all. a lot because there is no “reset point” every September like Destiny has.

My choice of all these options is probably to change the calendar and condense the length of the four seasons in year 4 into about two weeks so that we can get back to the pace of a Witch Queen expansion in September 2021.

Destiny 2 seasons generally have at least Two weeks of downtime already over the course of three months (usually more like a full month), so I think this could just turn out to be “fat cutting” and not negatively affect any single season. I think this is a better idea than just having a seasonal crisis in a single month.

Bungie hasn’t addressed this yet, as they have bigger fish to fry, but we’ll see what they say when it comes up.

Follow me On twitter, Youtube and Instagram. Pick up my science fiction novels Herokiller and Herokiller 2and I read my first series The Earth Born Trilogy, which is also in audio book.