The Arizona Senate debate turns to Trump

“I’m proud to be fighting for Arizona on things like your tax cuts,” Maxley said. “I’m proud to fight for Arizona every day,” he added.

The response was simple for Kelly, who described the president’s overall behavior and actions in office as “unacceptable.”

With Maxley’s response just four weeks before election day, she downplayed the precarious situation as she seeks to plunder Trump supporters and independents in a situation that seems likely to turn the president on.

Among other issues, the debate on the U.S. response to coronavirus epidemics, health care, Fiber and Senate Republican efforts to confirm Supreme Court justice this month has left an impression. But, as the country becomes increasingly polarized and partisan, Trump’s standing in Arizona could define Senate membership and sink Maxley.

The Arizona race is the most competitive in the country and crucial to the chamber’s future control. Democrats need to almost certainly defeat Maxley to get back in the Senate, and he tried to tie Kelly to liberal leaders, saying they would eliminate the filibuster and “the most radical agenda we’ve seen.” Kelly said he has not yet determined the status of Filebuster.

“My opponent is claiming he’s not a politician, or even a Democrat, but he’s a fake,” Maxley said. “The truth is it is bought and paid for by Chuck Schumer, whose path to power passes through Arizona.”

Maxley has a compelling biography. In a campaign ad, he notes that he lost his dad at the age of 12 and was sexually abused at the age of 17 before becoming the first female pilot in the Air Force to fly in combat. “If you want flashy, you’ve got a guy,” says Maxley in uniform after jumping into the cockpit. “But if you want a fighter, I’m your girl.”

Biden and Kamala Harris do not want to talk about change in the Supreme Court

Republicans also acknowledge that Kelly is one of the Democratic Party’s strongest recruits of 2020. In July, David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth, a fisheries group, told CNN that the Democrats are “rock star candidates.” The captain of the Navy and ex-husband of NASA astronaut Arizona Rap is the husband of Gabby Giffords, who was shot in the head and almost killed in 2011 and is now a leader in the movement against gun violence.

Kelly has led the majority of the vote this year, and knocked Maxley out every financial quarter of the race. According to Kantar’s campaign media analysis group, liberal groups have spent or reserved an estimated 88 88 million for its advertising, compared to about 62 62 million for the Campaign groups.

JB Porsche, president of the top Super PAC for Democrats in the Senate race, told CNN that Arizona has had a consistent lead since the day Mark Kelly made the announcement. “Never looked back.”

Race is based on health care, especially during coronavirus epidemics. Kasselli said Tuesday that Kelly’s support for the public health care option was “the first step for the government to take health care.” Kelly has denied the attacks, saying in an announcement that she would “never vote to remove private health insurance.”

On Tuesday, Kelly repeatedly went to repeal the Affordable Care Act after Maxley’s vote, which established insurance protection for people with preexisting conditions, and ended Arizona’s G.O.P. Sen reminded viewers. Republicans voted for the protection of health care legislation during the effort. Cancel it. Kelly alleged that Republican Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Connie Barrett was rushing to confirm to bring the ACA to the bench in a timely manner for a verdict on the next constitutional case. Kelly said Maxley “paved the way” for the lawsuit, which he said would undermine insurance coverage for millions of Arizons.

Maxley reiterated that he supports insurance coverage for people with preexisting conditions and accused Kelly of seeking to delay a vote on Barrett so that Democrats can uphold “liberal, activist” justice.

But the debate rests on the actions of the Trump administration.

The fight for John McCain's legacy continues

When asked about his response to the epidemic, Kelly said, “The 200,000 dead Americans are evidence that … Washington, this administration and Senator Maxley have done no great work.” He added that hundreds of thousands of Arizonians have lost their jobs “without any fault of their own” and that the country needs more economic relief from Congress.

Maxley argued that the administration and Congress struck a trillion-dollar law deal to protect small businesses, and credited Trump for limiting travel from China as soon as possible. Maxley repeatedly suggested that Kelly keep an eye on China for participating in U.S.-China forums, and Kelly defended himself by drawing attention to his military record.

At one point, Maxley was asked about Trump’s reported comments that American war dead were “losers” and “suckers.”

He said he would not comment on “anonymous sources” but said he had worked with the Trump administration to rebuild the military. Kelly said the commander-in-chief’s remarks were “contemplative” to him, and said Maxley did not defend McCain, who ridiculed Trump for being captured and tortured during the Vietnam War.

McCasley responded that she had repeatedly asked the president to stop attacking McCain, in private and public settings.

“Quite proportionately, it pulls me when it does,” he said. “Let’s rest him in peace.”

Two symbols of the Republican Party: candidates running for the seat previously held by McCain and Barry Goldwater. But the state has dramatically changed in favor of Democrats, especially in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and more than 60% of Arizona residents. From 2010 to 2018, U.S. According to the Census Bureau, the county added 593,000 people, second only to Houston County in Texas. It was the fastest growing county in the country from 2017 to 2018.
During that time, the county and the state have become increasingly blue. In 2012, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden lost to Maricopa by eleven points. In 2016, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton defeated him by three points. In 2018, the then Democratic Rip. Kirsten Cinema defeated Maxley by four points on the way to winning the seat of Republican Sen. Jeff Flack’s retirement. In a recent New York Times / Siena College College poll, Biden showed Trump nine points in the county and the same in the leading state.

Steven Slogoki, president of the Maricopa County Democratic Party, said voters are “very diverse” and “rapidly evolving,” including communities of color, youth and people from outside the state.

“The Republican Party has lost its base here,” Slogoki said.

Some Republicans are also worried that Maxley will lose the seat, and some do not think he is sufficiently serviced.

McIntosh told CNN that Maxley is a “weak” candidate who “does not encourage Republicans,” noting that she lost to Cinema in 2018 before being appointed to fill McCain’s seat in 2019.

“Let’s just say she didn’t pull it off when she had a weak opponent.” “I’m not too optimistic about this time.”
