Just days before its official launch, Mercedes-AMG has confirmed that the next GT Black series will feature a twin-turbo V-8 engine with connecting rod. We did not expect that.
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A tweet posted today by Mercedes-AMG’s official Twitter account, shown above, gives us some pointers to what will be hiding under the hood of the GT Black Series, which will be revealed on July 15. A picture of the fender says “biturbo V8”, but the code 1-8-2-7-4-5-3-6 in the tweet, probably a firing order, is different from the 4.0-liter unit widely used by the company. Our more mechanically inclined readers will also recognize that these numbers alternate evenly between cylinder banks, which could only mean one thing: a flat crank. Hell yeah.
A flat V-8 crank would also explain the unusually harsh sounds coming from the car’s exhaust, both during last week’s teaser video and spy videos taken at the Nürburgring.
The Black Series name is reserved for AMG’s most special cars, and a flat V-8 crank would certainly make it one of the most special cars the division has ever built. We can’t wait to see what kind of specs it will offer.
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