The actor of ‘X-Men’ admits his disappointment in the Fox series: ‘They gutted me’

Fans have had a contentious relationship with the way Fox has handled his Marvel properties. Although the studio has released a handful of clear winners, many of its X Men Films in particular have proven divisive among comic book fans.

Fox has reportedly had a general disregard for the source material. Now one X Men The actor admits that he was very disappointed in how his role turned out.

The cast of 'X-Men: The Last Stand'
The cast of ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ | fake pictures

‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ introduces the mighty Juggernaut as a minor villain

While Fox later developed spin-offs and prequels, the study of the X Men The journey began with a single trilogy. Launched in 2006, X-Men: The Final Decision It was the first of two attempts by the company to adapt the “Dark Phoenix saga” of the comics to the big screen. And it featured the big-screen debut of several mutant loved ones.

Among them was the supervillain known as Juggernaut. On the pages of Marvel Comics, the character has a long and rich history. Born as Cain Marko, his origin story involves an abusive family life and a dominant relationship with his stepbrother, Charles Xavier, also known as Professor X. Thus, Juggernaut fans were excited to hear that he would be making his screen debut. big.

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Actor Vinnie Jones said his role was dramatically changed and reduced.

But the film version of Juggernaut removed all that backstory. Instead, Magneto (Ian McKellen) recruits the mutant to join his cause, reducing Juggernaut to little more than muscle. This was not the case when Vinnie Jones (Snatch) signed for the movie, he told Comic Book Movie.

I loved the role, but … basically I was mugged. Matthew Vaughn signed me up, and it was a great role and a great script, and Juggernaut was a great character. I signed up for three of them, and that will show you how serious I was about it. [Director] Brett Ratner basically dissolved the character. I was in my damn trailer half the time. It’s one of the most disappointing jobs I’ve been on, you know, “What am I doing here?”

As Jones said, Matthew Vaughn was set to follow his directorial debut – 2004 crime thriller Layer cake – with the X Men continuation. Brett RatnerRush hour) finally took over the project. Vaughn would then direct the reboot / prequel X Men First generation in 2011.

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Juggernaut will certainly have another shot at the MCU

To make matters worse, Jones said some fans blamed him for Juggernaut’s portrayal. The actor maintains that Ratner promised him new material after the script changes dramatically reduced his role. But that never happened, and fans were left with a cartoon of the iconic supervillain.

“I know what it means to fans, and I felt like I was a scapegoat since no one told me about my side,” Jones told the Comic Book Movie. “No one stood up and said, ‘Wait a minute, we whiten Vinnie’s character completely.’ Basically, he was an extra, dude. That’s how I felt. He was gutted, to be honest.

Juggernaut’s big-screen debut could have lived up to expectations. But the character returned years later in Deadpool 2. However, once again, the film didn’t really explore its backstory. With the X-Men likely heading for a reboot within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, perhaps Juggernaut will finally get its due the next time it appears on screen.