The 34 wildest lines of Donald Trump’s wildly inaccurate press conference

I went through the transcript of Trump’s comments – and his Q&A with reporters – and picked out the lines you really need to see. They are below.

“I thought I would start chatting about some vote for mail that was just revealed, just the news, half a million wrong absentee ballot requests were sent all over the state of Virginia, including to many dead people. . “

2. “Our system is not set up for that. The post office is not útrist fas it. ”

“The postal service has ample capacity to adapt our nationwide processing and delivery network to meet projected volume of elections and political mail, including any additional volume that may result in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.” – US Postal Service

“And your numbers will be – in 90 days or less, your numbers will be very good, I think, much better on the coronavirus than the China virus.”

It is not at all clear where Trump’s prediction that the coronavirus pandemic will get better in the next 90 days comes from. In fact, most experts – of which Trump is not one – say the pandemic could get worse when flu season arrives.

4. “From what I understand, the answer is yes.”

Trump was briefly removed from the press conference before returning to the pop stage. The president was asked by a reporter if the person shot by the secret service when he arrived at a checkpoint on Monday was armed. He said yes. The secret service acknowledged later on Monday that the man was unarmed.

5. “The world has been, you look back over the centuries. The world has been a dangerous place, very dangerous place, and it will continue I think for a while.”

Really true!

6. “I do not know if anyone had to go outside, but there were a lot of great looking people ready to go, if anything was needed – enforcing people at the highest level of law, there is no one like this human beings. “

“Great-looking people.”

“I think we have a vaccine before the end of the year, very substantial and we may have a therapeutic resolution very fast, very, very fast and honestly, that’s the one I prefer faster, because you, you give a transfusion or a shot to people who are very ill and they can come out of the hospital the next day or a few days later. “

Paging Dr. Trump, Dr. Donald Trump, please pick up the white phone.

“If we had much smaller tests, we would have fewer, but we feel that testing is a very important thing.”

OK, for the billionth time: testing does not work to make fallen. It identifies their.

9. “The new wall is being built, which people are not talking about. They used to talk about nothing but the wall. Now that it’s built, they are not talking about it that much.”

“Trump Campaigns on Boundary Wall Advancement. There Is Not Much of It” – Los Angeles Times, June 23, 2020

10. “It should never be allowed to happen. It should never be allowed to escape from China.”

Two things are true here. At first, China was not at all transparent in the scope and seriousness of Covid-19. Second, the virus is highly contagious and it is not at all clear that even if China had been transparent, the virus would have remained only in that country.

11. “We must stop politicizing the virus and instead be united in our condemnation of how this virus came to America, how this virus came into the world.”

Reader, he actually said this.

12. “But the tax burden is a lot for people. It’s a huge savings for people. And we’ll do it.”

“I’m not one of them. I’ve been very clear about that.” – South Dakota Senator John Thune, the No. 2 ranking Republican, on tax cuts

13. “I do not think a man of deep religion would agree with the Bernie Sanders plan.”

Trump earlier suggested that Joe Biden, a Catholic, was “against religion.” His evidence for such a large claim seems to be based on a common agreement of principles released by Sanders and Biden. The 110-page document mentions the word “religious” three total times through my count; It advocates for banning religious bias in law enforcement, urges passing legislation that would do so, and calls for a review of the administration’s immigration policy for possible evidence of religious bias. And that’s it.

14. “And I think it’s one of the reasons, if you look at interviews that are not very religious in interviews, I would not – if I were, I do not think I would be right here now. . “

Shot …

15. “And by the way, our poll numbers are going up, as you know, very fast, and Joe’s are going down very fast.”


16. “But no, if you look at the manifesto, I call it manifesto, a lot of people call it manifesto, in my opinion, it’s further left than where Bernie was before.”

“I call it the manifesto, many people call it the manifesto”

17. “But the individual mandate will always be with us – ending the individual mandate will always be, they can not start it.”

Wait, so shall we have the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act? Or will we always have the termination of the individual mandate? I. net. To know.

18. “And I saw that sen. Schumer said today on a show, I do not remember what show, but he said today on a show that we should meet and we should do something, but you know, where has he been for how much weeks have you been negotiating? “

Donald Trump watches much more cable television than you do. Like, a lot more.

19. “It would have been so much easier than doing it the way we did it, but we did something that is very important and honestly it is well received, very well received.”

This is Trump on the quartet of executive orders he signed over the weekend. “The pin-and-phone theory of executive legislation is unconstitutional,” the Nebraska Republican senator said. Ben Sasse on the moves.

20. “Well, I think so, I’ve been to Gettysburg several times. It’s a national park. It’s a national history site. It’s amazing. You know it’s history. It’s incredible, actually for me . “

21. “The White House would be much easier for Secret Service. You see what just happened here. They’re all here. Just like when you sat down, they had their seats at the White House. That would not be all expenses or any extraordinary issue and the White House would be a fun place to do it too.

Trump is considering delivering his acceptance speech of the Republican presidential nomination in 2020 at Gettysburg – as the White House, which is legally speaking.

22. “And you know who else is not happy with our win? Russia. The fake people who tell the story, the fake news stories about Russia.”

The intelligence community, special adviser Robert Mueller and the Republican-controlled Senate First Committee are all in agreement: Russia participated in a broad and deep campaign to mediate in the 2016 elections.

23. “So if we win the election, we will have a lot of countries very quickly.”

What evidence did Trump provide for this bold move? Oh, no one.

24. “So you’ll have a crash like you’ve never seen before. And I’m been very good at predicting these things.”

OK, so if Biden wins, the stock market will crash. Because, Trump, is an expert prognosticator? Or something? On a related note: “We have it completely under control. It’s one person coming from China. We have it under control. It will be just fine.”

“I do not know. You know what I am telling you? I will tell you who is involved in our elections. The Democrats are interfering.”

Trump was immediately asked whether Russia sought to mediate in these elections. This was how the president reacted. Not exactly comforting. (Even US intelligence has made it very clear that Russia is trying to intervene in the 2020 game.)

26. “Now look at this one in Virginia, where they’ve emailed 500,000 applications and they’re going to people who do not need to get an application.”

Just to repeat: the issue in Virginia was that more than 500,000 absent voting applications had a wrong return address on them. Not that people got them who shouldn’t.

27. “No, I would not have done that. I think it is – I think it’s great what we could have done.”

Trump was asked, if 160,000 Americans had died on President Obama’s watch, whether he would have called the 44th president. Dat, um, this 2014 Trump tweet: “If this doctor, who so recklessly flew to New York in West Africa, has Ebola, then Obama must apologize & dismiss the American people!”

28. “The closest thing is in 1917, they say right, in the Great Depression – the Great Pandemic was certainly a terrible thing, where they lost 50 to 100 million people everywhere. Probably ended World War II, all soldiers were sick. “

World War II ended on May 8, 1945.

29. “And you knew in the beginning that there was a great shortage of fans. No one had stockpiles or anything like what you had to have.”

30. “No, I think we’re a very big country. We’re one person.”

That, what, what?

31. “But they have done a – really extraordinary job. They will never get the credit and I’m not talking about me.”

[narrator voice] He talks about it.

32. “[Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s] great. He is – and I hear he’s doing well. He’s recovered from Covid. Covid-19 have, as they say. “

“As they say.”

33. “Look, the Obama campaign is spying on our campaign.”

34. “I think it’s the political crime of the century and they’ve been caught. That’s what we’re all about.

Yes, this feels like a good place to end.
