Tesla Megapack, Powerpack and Powerwall battery storage prices per kWh


Published on 5 October October, 2020 |
By Zachary Shahn

5 October October, 2020 By Zachary Shahn

We’ve just pulled down an article about lithium-ion batteries versus vadium current batteries for long-term energy storage, as Tesla CEO Elon Musk replied, That, it raises more questions than answers for me, so I dug more and I have some new information to share with many more references regarding battery prices and long term costs.

I have received some additional details from Elon regarding Tesola energy storage prices, not knowing what I was previously aware of, and I have reached out to Storn Technologies for more details on their assumptions.

First of all, however, at least a few things are outlined here to dispel some of the major confusion and misunderstanding. To begin with, the biggest thing is:

The વાહન / kWh cost of an electric vehicle battery is not the same as the $ / kWh cost of a static battery storage system.

Additionally, there are two different types of $ / kWh – one-time storage capacity and the cost of the storage system based on the forward cost (for example, if your battery has an energy storage capacity of 100 kW and costs 5,000, the figure is $ 50 /. KW), and there it is Real Price per kWh Stored electricity over the lifetime of the storage system. To get the latter figure, you need to calculate the number and lifetime of the system’s life cycle (and, indeed, like efficiency, maintenance and repair). I did this in 2015 against Tesla Powerwall vs. other top options, when PowerWall came out – check if you want to dive further into the day that includes such calculations.

An earlier price estimate for the article to which Elon was responding was as follows: “Lithium batteries typically cost $ 600 to $ 900 / kWh and run from 1,000,000 to 1,000,000 cycles. Therefore, their value per cycle averages 1 0.21. “

Anyone who follows the electric vehicle market, especially the prices of EV batteries, can observe the first set of diagrams (600-900 / kWh) and get their eyes out of their heads. However, Li-ion batteries for EVs So this is not the price.This is the price for stable storage, which is very different.Also, I believe that these are the “all-in-one” prices – the price for a complete stable storage system, not just battery cells or packs.

With that in mind, let’s dig a little further.

Tesla Powerpack and Megapack Pricing

Tesla Megapex

One commenter pointed out that Tesla Powerpack prices are now $ 539 / kWh. That is after a very recent price cut and is still close to $ 600 / kWh. It’s definitely not a 5 5 difference, but it’s below the average of $ 750 / kWh used with an estimate of 0. 0.21 per bicycle. Yes, that 9,539 / kWh price includes inverter costs, but I think Storn actually focused on the whole system cost as well, especially the vanadium flow batteries benefit more from that point of view – which is related to the big advantage I’ll come back to . In a moment, a very long life.

In response to my questions about the price of the Tesla Powerpack, Elon Musk provided some interesting new information:

“Powerpack is an old product. Megapacks are what we now carry to utility or heavy industrial users.

“Part of its battery pack is less than $ 200 / kWh. Power electronics and 15 to 20 years of servicing costs up to about $ 300 / kWh. However, it is not certain to compare the cost of a vanadium flow battery alone with the cost of a lithium battery plus power electronics and 15 to 20 years of servicing. “

Again, as I read it, Storn was referring to all-in, full-system costs. One advantage of vanadium flow batteries is that they require very little maintenance and repair, so they will be more interested in comparing natural store full-system costs. I have reached out for clarification and will update this article to indicate if it is true if I get feedback on the matter.

Also, again, you should actually consider the full lifetime cost of KWH per storage. As you can see above, Elon has noticed 15-25 years of servicing. The StoreN 500 refers to a 25-year lifespan with up to 25,000 cycles on the KWH system. What does this mean for KWH long-term costs per store? Well, we don’t have that information because I don’t see the price for the ST50-500 system. However, maybe we have that little math. In another article, Storne notes that vanadium flow batteries can cost 4 0.04 / kWh per cycle, and can reach up to 15,000 cycles. Which comes to ડો 600 / kWh. (Interestingly, it’s at the bottom of Storin’s estimate for Li-ion batteries.)

If I can get more pricing details from StoreN, I’ll update it to add to this article or I’ll write a new one. Then I can also try to calculate the lifetime cost-per-kWh range for the Tesla Megapack.

Tesla Powerwall Specs and Pricing

StoreN offers a residential / small scale energy storage product as well as the above mentioned utility-scale energy storage system. So let’s also consider the Tesla PowerVall, which is the home energy storage battery of one of our authors. (Well, he has those two.)

Our author, Kyle Field, for a 13.5 kWh Tesla PowerVall, costs 6,500 – not including the Tesla Gateway or installation costs. That means a price of $ 481.48 / kWh. Pricing has apparently risen a bit recently, though, and is now $ 7,000, excluding gateways and installation (which costs 4 4,500, or $ 3,500 if included with the Tesla Solar Rooftop system). With a value of 7,000, it is 8,518.52 / kWh. Again, it’s better than a low-estimate of $ 600 / kWh (not to mention the highest estimate of $ 750 / kWh or $ 900 / kWh), but that’s not a fifth of the cost. I’m not sure if it makes sense to throw in the price of the gateway, especially since comparing these products and statistics isn’t clear to me what to do.

I don’t see prices for StoreN VFB batteries, but have also asked the company to provide them.

There are other notable specs and promises to consider. The Storon battery is rated for 25 years, while the Tesla Powerwall has a 10 year warranty.

Storn has reported 15,000 cycle lives. The Tesla Powerwall 1 offered a cycle life of જીવ 5,000. Powerwall 2 comes with “unlimited cycles” or “.8 37..8 MW aggregate throughput” for solar self-use / backup for other applications. The previous calculations come to a maximum of 3,100 cycles in 10 years, while if you assume that 37.8 MW refers to both vehicle charging and discharge, the later calculations come to 3,200 cycles.

As a final set of specs to consider, Tesla’s PowerVall has 90% round-trip efficiency, while the Storn system has 75-80% round-trip efficiency.

Determining the actual value of electricity stored during the lifetime of a product is almost at the fingertips. If I get a little more details, I will update this section or publish a whole new article.


There are still some data gaps that will help to make a more complete comparison of this energy storage system, but here are some key findings:

  • The Tesola Megapack now comes at a cost of El 200 / kWh, or h elect 300 / kWh with power electronics and servicing, according to a comment from Elon Musk to me today.
  • That’s exactly what the recent low of 539 / kWh seems to be for the Tesla Powerpack.
  • The Tesla Powerwall is now priced at 8 518.52 / kWh, up from 1 481.48 / kWh earlier this year, but does not include the cost of the Tesla gateway or installation.

None of this tells us the cost of electricity stored on the life of the system. To determine that, you have to add a lot of other factors, some of which are tough assumptions for a period of a decade or two. These include efficiency, depth of discharge, number of cycles and maintenance and repair costs.

Hopefully this becomes clear – to some extent – a little controversy early today. If enough additional information is gathered on these issues, I will proceed with another piece.

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Tags: StoreN, Storn Technologies, Tesla, Tesla Megapack, Tesla Powerpack, Tesla PowerVall

About the author

Zachari Shah is striving to help society one word at a time. He spends most of his time here Clintenica As its director, editor-in-chief and CEO. Zach is known globally as an expert in the collection of electric vehicles, solar energy and storage. He has presented about Cleantech in conferences including India, UAE, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, USA, Canada and Qurao. Zach has long-term investments in NIOs [NIO], Tesla [TSLA], And exping [XPEV]. But it does not provide any kind of investment advice (explicitly or implicitly).