Tall people are more likely to test positive for COVID-19: survey

A new survey says that people over 180 centimeters are twice as likely to test positive for COVID-19.

Two thousand people from the United Kingdom and the United States were surveyed, and researchers from the United Kingdom, Norway and the United States analyzed the data.

Researchers at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom say that transmission of the virus by aerosol is “very likely” with taller people at “higher risk”.

The researchers believe that COVID-19 spreads through the air faster than previously thought, rather than spreading from drops that fall to the ground. It means that taller people would be at greater risk if spread through the air.

Professor Evan Kontopantelis from the University of Manchester said the virus can be transmitted in more than one way.

“The results of this survey in terms of associations between height and diagnosis suggest that downward droplet transmission is not the only transmission mechanism and aerosol transmission is possible. This has been suggested by other studies, but our method confirmation is new, “he said on the university’s website.

“Although social distancing is still important because droplet transmission is likely to occur, it suggests that wearing masks may be just as effective, if not more, as prevention. But also, indoor air purification should be explored. Deeper”.

The survey also looked at how personal characteristics, circumstances, and working conditions impact whether someone contracts the virus.

The researchers found that using a shared kitchen or accommodation was a significant factor, especially in the U.S., where people were 3.5 times more likely to get COVID-19.

The survey has not yet been peer-reviewed.