Zhang Zhongmou appointed APEC leader on behalf of the president to deliver the task “declaring Taiwan’s willingness to contribute to the prevention of global epidemics” | Apple News | Apple Daily


The APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Conference of Economic Leaders Representatives was held on November 20. Due to this year’s epidemic, the host country Malaysia switched to an online conference. President Tsai Ing-wen announced this morning that TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou will once again represent our country to assist the representative of economic leaders. Tsai Ing-wen emphasized that it is very meaningful to use Zhang Zhongmou’s experience to convey Taiwan’s contribution to regional development and suggestions.

Tsai Ing-wen said she would like to thank Zhang Zhongmou for agreeing to represent “her” at this important international conference for the third time. In the past, Zhang Zhongmou’s participation in the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting has been very fruitful in promoting cooperation between Taiwan and other partner countries. Zhang Zhongmou is from Taiwan The founder of TSMC has an excellent perspective on the prospects for technology and digital industries.

Tsai Ing-wen said this year is at a critical time in the reorganization of the global supply chain. It is not only appropriate to use Zhang Zhongmou’s experience to clearly communicate Taiwan’s contribution to regional development and future plans and suggestions to all APEC members. The choice is also very significant. On behalf of the people of the country, he expressed his greatest gratitude and expectations to Zhang Zhongmou and all the members.

Tsai Ing-wen noted that this year’s APEC annual theme is “Optimizing People’s Potential, Sharing Resilience, and Thriving the Future: Adjustment, Priority, Progress.” Faced with the impact of the global epidemic, this year’s Conference of Economic Leaders will also invite leaders from various countries to jointly express their views on how to promote joint prevention of the global epidemic, continue to deepen sustainable and innovative economic growth, and present the post-APEC 2020 vision.

Tsai Ing-wen said that she hoped that Zhang Zhongmou and the members of the delegation would actively participate in the discussion of various issues at this meeting and, at the same time, accomplish the following two tasks: First, declare once again that Taiwan is willing to make more contributions to the prevention of global epidemics, and at the same time also allow the international community to understand our efforts; Taiwan is also willing to work with other countries to establish a resilient public health and medical system in the Asia-Pacific region.

Tsai Ing-wen emphasized that epidemic prevention is a global problem and no country can stay out of it. All members of the international community must work together independently of each other to meet the challenges. Taiwan has already made many donations and cooperative exchanges of epidemic prevention materials, and has also discussed epidemic prevention strategies with many countries and shared research results, hoping to continue promoting rapid detection, vaccines and drug research and development.

Tsai Ing-wen hopes that Zhang Zhongmou can convey to APEC members that Taiwan is willing to continue to contribute rich experience in public health, medical energy, and experience in epidemic prevention to strengthen the Asian region’s medical public health system. and the Pacific and global epidemic prevention work.

Tsai Ing-wen mentioned that the second task is to hope that the delegation can accomplish the task of strengthening Taiwan’s connection with other countries and consolidating Taiwan’s key position in the global supply chain. Faced with the reorganization of the global supply chain, we must be able to expand international links in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the supply chain, and allow Taiwan to contribute to the strength of the high-tech industry to jointly promote the high-quality growth of the Asia-Pacific region.

Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that Taiwan should continue to strive to sign bilateral and multilateral economic and trade cooperation agreements with other countries, deepen Taiwan’s participation in APEC, assist Taiwan companies in diversified global deployment, and create a win-win situation. mutual through cooperation with major partner countries and combining their different advantages. .

Tsai Ing-wen said that Zhang Zhongmou has many years of experience in the industry and also has unique insights into transnational economic integration in the digital age. I believe that Zhang Zhongmou will be able to lead the delegation to strengthen the cooperative relationship between Taiwan and APEC partner countries and find the most critical niche for Taiwan.

Zhang Zhongmou said that he feels very honored and very happy. The president has reappointed him as the lead representative. This is the fourth time he has served as APEC Lead Representative. This is an online conference. There are many regrets. I have several friends before. I can not see. When this epidemic is severe, they can still hold this meeting to show the state of digital technology in the future.

Zhang Zhongmou said that the first issue this time is, how to control the epidemic? How can the economy develop under the epidemic? The second issue is the outlook after the epidemic after 2020. In fact, Taiwan has done very well under these two main conditions. Also, after the epidemic, the digital world and digital technology have had a great influence. During the epidemic, Taiwan has also made full use of digital technology.

Zhang Zhongmou emphasized that after the epidemic, digital health is a very important topic after 2020. Taiwan also has enough experience and can contribute to APEC countries. This time he feels they have enough preparation and enough strength. Taiwan can make a great contribution to the APEC meeting and support Taiwan.

Presidential Office spokesman Zhang Dunhan said this year’s APEC Economic Leaders Meeting will be held online from 20:05 to 22:05 Taipei time on November 20. On that day, Zhang Zhongmou will participate in this year’s Economic Leaders Conference (AELM) in the video conference room of the Presidential Palace.

In addition to the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the two ministers participating in this year’s annual ministerial meeting are Political Commissioner Deng Zhenzhong and the president of the National Development Council, Gong Mingxin, who will represent our country to participate in the APEC Annual Ministerial Meeting on the evening of November 16 via online media.

At the ABAC Business Leaders Summit, Acer Chairman Chen Junsheng, Taiwan Big Brother CEO Lin Zhichen, and Quanta CTO Zhang Jiayuan shared their rich experience in promoting the digital transformation and Taiwan’s efforts and achievements in the field of ABAC. And Tang Feng, Political Commissioner of the Executive Yuan, was invited by the business community of the host country Malaysia to participate in the “CEO Dialogues” on November 19 online.

Zhang Dunhan said that Tang Feng will use “Open Response and Open Recovery” as a title to explain how China can improve economic resilience and accelerate post-epidemic recovery through open government, social innovation and digital technology.

It was previously reported that Tsai Ing-wen was seeking to attend the APEC Economic Leaders Representatives Meeting via in-person video, but was denied. Zhang Zhongmou is the first representative of the AEPC leaders. During the government of Chen Shuibian, he served as a leader’s representative. In 2018, he represented President Tsai Ing-wen to attend the APAC meeting in Papua New Guinea, and was entrusted by President Tsai to be the APEC leader in Chile the following year. Summit representatives, the summit was canceled due to unrest in the host country. This will be his fourth time as a lead representative. (Taipei Policy / Report Center)

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Zhang Zhongmou’s Profile

Age: 89 years

Education: Master of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doctorate of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

Marriage: I have a daughter with his ex-wife and I married Zhang Shufen in 2001

Interests: Bridge, reading, writing, appreciating classical music, and traveling

work experience:

. Joined the Semiconductor Department of Sivania Company in 1955

. He joined Texas Instruments in 1958, served as Group Vice President and General Manager of Semiconductors in 1972, and was transferred to General Manager of the Consumer Products Group in 1978

. Leaving Texas Instruments in 1983, he became General Team President in 1984

. In 1985, he left General Equipment and returned to Taiwan as dean of the Industrial Technology Research Institute. In 1986, he founded TSMC

Source: “Apple” interview
