Father witnessed the death of his 6-year-old daughter: “Can I hug her again?” It’s heartbreaking-China TV News


Father witnessed the death of his 6-year-old daughter:

Full report from Zhu Peiyu / Hualien County

On the morning of yesterday (2), Taiwan Railway Taroko Route 408 suffered a derailment on the Chongde = Herenjian East line (k51 + 250). The cause of the accident was suspected to have been due to a construction vehicle slipping off a slope. causing the train to collide with him, 50 people died and 175 were slightly and seriously injured. One of them was a 6-year-old sister, Yang, who was the youngest victim of the accident. A rescuer shared on Facebook that he witnessed the victims’ relatives who had to come to terms with the moment their daughter passed away during the rescue. which made the savior fall in love. Very heavy and very reluctant, the post revealed that many netizens also shed tears of anguish.

The rescuer hugged the OHCA girl and walked past her father. One sentence made the audience burst into tears.

A netizen posted a post from a rescuer at the crash site on the “Booming Waste 1 Commune” Facebook group. The rescuer said that after a long day of search and rescue, he was very tired after getting home, but couldn’t. Sleeping with your eyes closed and your head steady, the scene that most impressed you on the day you turned around. The lifeguard said that when he arrived at the crash site, he went directly to car 8 to rescue people showing signs of life. “After getting in the car, I saw stacked seats and stacked OHCA (cardiopulmonary function stopped before).) The injuries are like scenes from movies.”

The rescuer said: “A middle-aged man stood up with a lame expression, with a calm expression and a bit of pain.” The rescuer also helped move him to a safe place outside the car to wait. He said: “I have repeatedly whispered to this middle-aged man in his ear:” I have two daughters in the car, please help them quickly, “replied the rescuer,” We will rescue the two daughters, don’t worry. “

The rescuer went on to say, and then saw his eldest holding the father’s eldest daughter coming out: “His face was covered in blood and his expression was dull, but consciousness was still clear and everyone was relieved.” Rescue work continued. Another rescuer hugged a bloodless girl with flaccid limbs and walked to the area of ​​the OHCA injury. At that moment, the parent who witnessed the moment said, “Can I hug her again?” The rescuers present had red eyes and tears almost broke the embankment. “But you have to give them more psychological support,” and they endured their pain to continue with the rescue.

The rescuer publishes.  (Obtained from Facebook Explosive 1 Commune)

The rescuer publishes. (Obtained from Facebook Explosive 1 Commune)

Netizens leave a message.  (Obtained from Facebook Explosive 1 Commune)

Netizens leave a message. (Obtained from Facebook Explosive 1 Commune)

According to the “TVBS” report, when little sister Yang’s grandparents received the bad news yesterday, they immediately took a taxi to Hualien. When interviewed, the grandparents said that this time it was the son who brought the two daughters to Huadong for Children’s Day because of a false relationship. Such an accident happened unexpectedly. The son is still hospitalized in the hospital. The 12-year-old granddaughter suffered a severe brain fracture and is still being rescued.

News source: China TV News
