Zhan Yawen pulls the chorus! Chen Shizhong “Little Arena opens its golden mouth” … The singing voice is super masculine | Entertainment Star News | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Sun Yixuan / Taipei Report[Publicadoel12/0920:45|22:54Actualización:Nuevovideoyaudio]

After the Taiwanese golden melody Zhan Yawen “How about 30“The Taiwan Thanksgiving Extra Concert Tour will be held at Taipei Arena tonight (12). Last Saturday (5) the performance in Taichung just ended.Immediately stepping forward to raise her voice and practice singing for the Taipei Extra Stage, Zhan Yawen is dedicated and relentless, hoping to bring the best enjoyment to all fans attending the concert. At the concert, she not only sang more than 30 songs,.Chen Shizhong, Minister of Health and Welfare, was also invited as a surprise guest.

▲ Zhan Yawen “ How about 30“The Taiwan Thanksgiving Extra Concert Tour will debut at the Taipei Arena on the 12th. (Photo by reporter Lin Shengkai)

Minister Azhong, dressed in a beige cardigan and jeans, slowly moved from the elevator platform to the stage, clenched his fist and raised his left hand to greet everyone, and went up to the small dome to sing 2 songs with Zhan Yawen, “The Sea of ​​Love” and “The One Who Wants Home”. The song, the hoarseness, and the vicissitudes of the singing made the audience clap and clap. Zhan Yawen also introduced Chen Shizhong to “make all the women in the world cry and marry him willingly.” Chen Shizhong shyly said, “My wife can speak.” Zhan Yawen went on to say, “Every day at 2 pm I fell in love with him when I heard him say” Zero Diagnosis “at the press conference. I fell in love with his voice and his sincerity. Ma’am, don’t worry.” He continued praising “This newcomer is not easy. I will definitely sign him.” Hong, you are now the newcomer to our company’s largest coffee, so you will be a special guest. “Chen Shizhong also modestly said,” Thank you, Sister Yawen, the older sister in the singing industry, for giving me this opportunity. I will trust everyone to promote me in the future. “

▲ Zhan Yawen’s extra thanksgiving concert in Taipei invited Chen Shizhong as a guest. (Photo by reporter Lin Shengkai)

▲ Zhan Yawen laughed and said that he fell in love with Chen Shizhong when he said “zero diagnosis” at the press conference. (Photo by reporter Lin Shengkai)

Speaking of Chen Shizhong’s role as a guest this time around, Zhan Yawen herself is pretty confidential. Many staff members were unaware that the mysterious guest was originally Minister Azhong until the start of the show. She also said that due to the epidemic situation, watching the concert will inevitably be awkward, so I want to bring it to everyone. a surprise. The organizer also revealed that the two people met during a business presentation. Chen Shizhong told Zhan Yawen that he was a fan. There was an invitation in Taichung last week, but Chen Shizhong couldn’t participate in something, so Zhan Yawen wanted to invite him to come. As a guest at the Taipei show, we stood in the small arena to sing together. Chen Shizhong arrived at the venue early this afternoon to prepare. The other guests only needed 15 minutes. Chen Shizhong rehearsed for about half an hour. Zhan Yawen continued to encourage her to be in front of 10,000 people for the first time. Chen Shizhong, who was nervous about opening Jinkou, taught her how to move and gesture, and praised her “masculine” voice. The staff also surrounded Chen Shizhong to help with tapping.

▲ Zhan Yawen is very confidential, many staff members did not know that the guest was Minister Azhong until the beginning of the program. (Photo by reporter Lin Shengkai)

▲ Zhan Yawen continued to cheer on the nervous Chen Shizhong and praised his “masculine” voice. (Photo by reporter Lin Shengkai)

And for “30 so what“The mood to go to the Little Arena again on the tour, Zhan Yawen said that all the fans and friends in the audience accompanied her through these 3Some of the important people in 0 years have heard her sing since they were young, and now they have grown up, and some have heard her sing since they were little, and now they can be grandmas.Seeing everyone from all over come to participate in this additional performance,Zhan Yawen couldn’t help but choke as he expressed his gratitude to fans and friends for their support, and at the same time agreed with the fans. “If his physical condition allows it, he will definitely continue to sing one day when he can still sing. “

▲ Zhan Yawen and his sister Zhan Yayun reproduce the classic Sakura Sisters combination. (Photo by reporter Lin Shengkai)

Zhan Yawen treats the training group and rehearsal as a formal performance,Last week, he accidentally turned his ankle at the Taichung concert and insisted on performing as usual.In addition to recovery these days, the rest of the time has been spent preparing for this addition.To give fans and friends the most perfect party. Tonight “How about 30?”The concert tour is at the Taipei Arena, with the support of special guests,The encouragement of fans and friends, and the assistance of the entire staff,To draw a perfect ending to this concert together,Zhan Yawen is also grateful for the expectation of spending the next 30 years with everyone.
