[Zero Local Breakthrough 5]”Apple” hits straight! Costco Nankan store is still full of employees and customers wear masks on their own | Apple News | Apple Daily


The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today (22) 3 new cases of immigration abroad and 1 new confirmed local case, which is equivalent to declaring that Taiwan has carried out 253 days of epidemic prevention and zero local cases! “Apple News” went to Case 765 (a New Zealand pilot) and Case 771 (a Quanta Group employee) this afternoon to watch at the Costco Nankan store where they were shopping. The branch went from entering through the door to taking the escalator. No employee was seen helping customers take body temperature or disinfection, but all employees and customers wear masks autonomously throughout the process.

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Costco said it only received a notice from the command center yesterday (21) evening, stating that there was a case of visit to the Nankan store, and then it was completely disinfected after the store closed. Typically all stores, including escalators and other public areas, have regular disinfection. Including the use of masks by store personnel and the body temperature measurement of customers entering the store, follow-up measurements should be adjusted according to the latest recommendations from the command center.

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An “Apple News” reporter went directly to the Costco Nankan store this afternoon and discovered that the store entrance staff only verified the customer’s membership card and did not perform alcohol disinfection or temperature measurement on customers who came to the store. Most customers wear masks on their own There are still crowds at the checkout line. Some customers noted that they wear masks after entering the store and steer clear of epidemic prevention. For the confirmed cases that have visited the store for consumption, they do not worry because they usually prepare the number of masks. He struggles to buy masks, thinking that the masks should not be stolen, so that those who really need them cannot buy them.

After news of zero local cases broke, many downtown shoppers “panicked” and said they would buy more masks and alcohol to respond. The following activities on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve are also considered canceled. In crowded gatherings of strangers, “it is safer to ask friends at home for something to eat.” Some people think that there are gaps in the government’s epidemic prevention measures and suggest that the government consider the feasibility of universal screening.

“Of course I’m panicking!” Ms. Zhao (32), who works in the service industry, pointed out that since there have been local cases, “it means we have to work harder to prevent disease. Taiwan epidemic. ” She believes that if we can recommend the implementation of universal screening, everyone is screened, can everyone feel more comfortable? Due to the impact of the epidemic, this year’s New Year’s Eve and other festivals have made it less likely that you will go to places where too many people gather. As the epidemic has not slowed down, new local cases have been added. I’ll try to go out as little as possible, cut down on meetings, wash my hands more, and maybe buy more masks and alcohol. As the Chinese New Year approaches, I will step up cleaning at home. “

Mr. Cai (22 years old, vendor) said that for self-prevention, he originally wore masks, and generally stored them. He was not rushing to buy masks. As for New Years Eve, due to work factors, there were no arrangements for New Years Eve activities. I think Taiwan’s epidemic prevention work is better than other countries, and I won’t worry about that. ” Additionally, he said he would go to less crowded places and remind his family to pay attention to epidemic prevention.

Ms Huang (23), who is engaged in medical care, said that if a local case causes a large-scale outbreak, New Year’s Eve activities will of course be canceled. She believes that New Years Eve activities can also be done at home instead of going to crowded places. Regarding the government’s epidemic prevention measures, “I think it remains to be seen but I am still a bit concerned.” Also, it is good for her to have enough anti-epidemic items, and she will not rush to buy them. As he is medical personnel, he will be very careful. Be safe and prepared.

Ms. Huang (27, catering industry) from Costco Shopping in Nankan said that she is not worried because most people now have the concept of epidemic prevention. Although there are still a small number of people who do not wear masks and want to play, I think it is a small number of people and I hope that everyone can respect each other. Usually I take precautions against the epidemic, I will definitely change my clothes when I come home, I will spray my hands with alcohol, and I will wear a mask when I go out. Ms. Huang believes that anti-epidemic materials are sufficient and it is useless to buy more, materials should be reserved for those who need them. As for the infected pilots who had visited Nankan Costco to spend more money, Huang said she would still be a little worried, but since they always wear masks and maintain social distancing in stores, they will not do special epidemic prevention and disinfection work. . Measures to prevent the epidemic remain safe. (Huang Ziteng Emergency Center, Pan Weiru, Shi Angqiang / Full Report)
