Young couples with twins who survive triplets give birth to 7 children in 5 years and increase their production for the country-News-Free Health


Chen, a 27-year-old mother, was pregnant with triplets during her fourth pregnancy and gave birth to three healthy siblings on the 26th of this month. (Photo by reporter Fang Zhixian)

[Reporter Fang Zhixian / Kaohsiung Report]A young couple in Kaohsiung were married for more than 5 years and naturally got pregnant 4 times and gave birth to 7 boys. The woman first gave birth to 2 children and then gave birth to triplets after twins. The husband who loves music enthusiastically said The whole family can form a band! Sun Deji’s delivery doctor also emphasized that “the probability of having triplets is 1 in 10,000 and of twins is 2%. There is very little chance of conceiving twins and triplets naturally, and they are of only one sex. even less”.

The parents of the 27-year-old He are Hakka and Bunun, and the 26-year-old Chen’s husband is Paiwan. The husband and wife have been married for more than 5 years and naturally they conceive 4 times and give birth to 7 children. The oldest is over 4 years old and the second is over 3 years old. The third and fourth twins were one and a half years old, pregnant with triplets for the fourth time, they gave birth to three healthy siblings on the 26th of this month.

A Kaohsiung couple surnamed Chen (front row, right 2 and 3) were married for 6 years and naturally got pregnant 4 times and gave birth to 7 boys. The 4 births were all by obstetrician Sun Deji (first row, right 1). He emphasized the probability of triplets is one in ten thousand, twins is 2%, the chances of conceiving twins and triplets naturally are very few, and they are of the same sex even less. (Photo by reporter Fang Zhixian)

Beren Hospital held a press conference for triplets this morning. His wife, husband Chen, the triplets’ grandmother and four older brothers happily attended the event. All four of the couple’s pregnancies were delivered by obstetrician Sun Deji. He said that his mother was very strong and did not reject the gift that God gave them. The normal number of weeks for triplets to give birth is 32 to 34 weeks. She lasted up to 36 weeks full term. Three healthy siblings were born by cesarean section, weighing 2225 grams. 1795 grams and 2255 grams.

He Fu said that her husband’s distant relative had multiple births, but she never thought she would have so many children. She was surprised when she found out that she was pregnant with triplets, but she quickly accepted it, but the husband always hoped to have a daughter, to know that all triplets are children is a little disappointing, but it does not matter, because the gift of God is very appreciated and she is very surprised.

The husband surnamed Chen also said that he originally meant that there are 7 children, as long as one girl is enough, but it turned out that they are all boys, which is really a little disappointed. “But all this is given by God. I am very grateful to God for giving us all this.” . If you want to have a daughter, will you move on? He smiled and said, “Take a break and catch your breath!”

How to take care of the 7 children in the future? He Fu said that the oldest and the second are ready to go to kindergarten. They are nurses and can breastfeed their children. Currently, they take temporary parental leave to care for children with their grandmother, who is a babysitter.

A Kaohsiung couple surnamed Chen (2nd and 3rd from the right) were married for 6 years and naturally got pregnant 4 times and gave birth to 7 boys. (Photo by reporter Fang Zhixian)

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