[Yokogawa Live]New virus strains are coming, or not to fight vaccines | Outbreak | New virus strains


[La Gran Época 24 de diciembre de 2020]On Wednesday (December 23) at 8 pm ET, Yokogawa will broadcast live.

Focus topic: Just as the United States began distributing and vaccinating vaccines, new strains of the virus that emerged in the United Kingdom have spread among some people, leading to UK lockdowns by several countries. Does the vaccine have a preventive effect on new strains? What is the American attitude towards vaccines? Should officers fight first or fight later?

Today I will talk about an issue that should have been very popular but that was obviously diluted by the issues of the general elections, which is the epidemic and vaccines. The CCP virus vaccine in the United States has begun to be distributed and vaccinated, and Vice President Pence took the initiative today to encourage the American people. I have no opinion on whether to vaccinate or not, and I believe that everyone should have the right to choose.

When the United States began distributing vaccines, bad news came from the United Kingdom. This epidemic wave was found to be primarily a variant of the virus, which was 70% more infectious than the existing virus, and 60% of new patients were tested for this virus. Britain has taken the strictest measures to close the city and Europe has blocked traffic with Britain. Another mutant virus appeared in South America and was different from the UK.


The media obviously have a double standard on whether to get vaccinated. On the one hand, it seems to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. In the hottest video a few days ago, a nurse who had just received the vaccine told everyone that she felt great on camera and then fell. Down. After watching the video, many people said that they would not opt ​​for this vaccine.

On the other hand, some people are dissatisfied with Vice President Pence taking the lead in vaccination, as if he had stolen someone else’s vaccine. They are a demonstration and encourage people who have doubts. The confidence of the American people in vaccines is not high and taking the initiative to obtain vaccines is not seen as a benefit.

This only proved the same media wrong at the end of February this year. At that time, Vice President Pence was appointed commander-in-chief of the epidemic. The media attacked that Pence had a history of rejecting science when he was governor of Indiana.Is this how it happens? In order to reduce the spread of AIDS among drug users, the state medical department proposed a needle exchange program. Pence delayed its implementation for several months due to different values. This resulted in an AIDS outbreak in one county, with 200 people infected. I can’t think of what this has to do with Burns.

The needle exchange program is not science, but politics. This is in line with the socialist plan to destroy the United States, encourage drug use, robbery and other behaviors, and then use taxpayer money to help these people, cut police funds to rescue these people and create a growing dependence of the population on drugs and the government. Like the recently passed legalization of marijuana, it achieves the goal of controlling the entire society.

According to the Minister of Health, more than 80% of Americans receive this vaccine.

Another piece of news that at least made the internet boil in Hong Kong is that Li Yanyan, the main advocate for the police in Hong Kong, has unconfirmed news that she died suddenly just days after being vaccinated with a vaccine produced in mainland China and gave positive for the virus after death.

These two are not the same. The American nurse improved after a short break and is now fine. Generally, it is necessary to rest for 10 minutes to observe after vaccination, for fear of acute reactions, some of which are allergic reactions, this case should not be.

1. Li Yanyan is worth discussing

If he really died after vaccination, and within a few days, it is not an acute reaction, including an allergic reaction, but another possibility.

Let me talk about your symptoms. He said he thought he had a cold. Symptoms of CCP virus infection are similar to those of a cold. It could be a direct infection from the CCP virus. Similarly, the collective infection of Chinese foreign workers is the case. Uganda, Angola and Serbia have dozens of infections and were vaccinated with Chinese-made vaccines before being shipped.

Two possibilities: 1) the vaccine has no preventive effect; 2) the administered vaccine is the source of infection. It’s about the quality and design of the vaccines produced in China.

After checking, the most widely publicized and tested vaccines made in China are inactivated viruses. Originally, there is no danger of inactivating the virus, at least there is no danger of infection, but it is difficult to say what happened in China. After all, there may be tofu residue on every link.

In the past, there were two types of polio virus vaccines, one is Shaq’s inactivated virus and the other is Sabin’s live attenuated vaccine. The live attenuated vaccine will recover from its toxicity after having been vaccinated to a person with a deficiency in the immune mechanism, not only causing disease, but also causing a small-scale local outbreak.

China is now exporting vaccines on a large scale, while importing large quantities of American vaccines. The export of vaccines remains similar to the export of masks and test reagents, because there are few countries in the world that develop and produce vaccines against the coronavirus. The PCC is early and the second is big. It has the effect of controlling other countries, but the quality cannot be guaranteed.

2. Vaccines from the USA.

The two vaccines in the United States are of the same type. Pfizer and Moderna are both RNA vaccines. This is a completely new concept vaccine. The mRNA encoding the spike protein is injected into the human body in some way, and the spike is assembled into the human body. The protein triggers an immune response, because it is not a complete virus, but a part of the spike protein, which in theory is much safer.

Pfizer’s 90% effective rate algorithm is to track 170 cases, of which 162 cases occurred in the placebo group, 8 cases occurred in the vaccine group, and out of 10 severe cases, 9 cases occurred in the placebo group and only one case occurred. Now the vaccine group.

For Moderna, 95 symptomatic COVID cases were seen in volunteers and only 5 cases occurred in the vaccine group. It must be said that it is quite inspiring. However, there are only reports of symptom relief and there is no data on whether the infection can be prevented. I don’t know how long the protective effect will last.There is clinical data showing that the level of antibodies in infected people drops to a level that is difficult to detect in half a year.

From a manufacturing process perspective, American vaccines are definitely safe. If there are side effects and other problems, it is the vaccine itself, not the manufacturing process.

The next question is whether the American vaccine is effective against the British virus.

Both US vaccine companies use spike proteins, but if the British virus spike protein has a significant mutation, it can affect the effect of the vaccine. Today I saw a material that said that the spike protein of the British virus 20201201 has 1273 amino acids, and 8 of them have been mutated.

The CDC released N501Y. If the structure and charge are not changed obviously, the effect may be small, but not optimistic, if the mutation continues, it will be like the flu.

There should be little controversy over the role of the Trump administration in vaccine development. I think it has little to do with the effect of the final vaccine. If the effect is not good, or the effect on the mutant strain is not good, then we are still scientifically There are limitations. The mode of transmission of infectious diseases is still very confusing for humans: the naval crime experiment of pandemic influenza of 1918, in the age of underdeveloped transportation, the disease spread extremely fast.

Vaccines are one of the major achievements in the fight between humans and disease, and the other may be antibiotics. However, vaccines are not a panacea.

Smallpox is the most successful example and HIV is the most unsuccessful example. These two examples show that it is up to people to make things happen in heaven.

“Yokogawa Live” Production Team

Editor in charge: Li Hao #
