Ying / Xinbei lost almost 10,000 rescue cases to the Ministry of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong: not rejected, but unable to fund within 5-day ET today


  1. Ying / Xinbei lost almost 10,000 rescue cases to the Ministry of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong: Not rejected, but cannot allocate funds within 5 days ET today
  2. Degraded command center to open? Chen Shizhong’s assessment of the overall epidemic situation does not allow udn
  3. 4 major antidepidic cultural and artistic activities can be held and the hotel’s ballroom can be reopened
  4. The epidemic situation in Taiwan is slowing down! Chen Shizhong announced that restrictions will be lifted for 100 people indoors and 500 outdoors.
  5. The Ministry of Health and Welfare proposes four points for modification of the assignment of medical personnel, adopting the principle of “as soon as I can handle it” udn United News Network
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