Xie Hanbing exploded a set of real figures after reading the latest Cai government survey


In late August this year, the DPP government decided to open Lai pork imports to Taiwan on New Year’s Day next year. By the time Pig Lai opened his last countdown, the latest Tsai government poll was also released. According to the results, the administrative satisfaction of President Tsai Ing-wen was 54.3%. Satisfaction was 43.5%, President Su Zhenchang’s satisfaction was 46.8%, and dissatisfaction was 49.3%. Su’s survey showed a death cross. In this regard, senior media official Xie Hanbing said that as far as he knew about Dean Su, “this doesn’t matter to them at all, it doesn’t matter.”

Senior Media Person Xie Hanbing.  (Photo / Obtained from Facebook of Xie Hanbing)
Senior Media Person Xie Hanbing. (Photo / Obtained from Facebook of Xie Hanbing)

According to the results of the latest “December State Policy Surveys” of the Tsai government, published today by Formosa Electronic News, the satisfaction rate with the performance of Tsai Ing-wen was 54.3% and the dissatisfaction was 43 ,5%. In terms of trust, 53.6% trusted President Tsai. , A decrease of 2.0 percentage points from the previous month, 41.2% did not trust President Tsai, an increase of 2.2 percentage points from the previous month, and 5.3% did not respond clearly. Surveys show that the distrust index has reached its highest point since November 2019.

Furthermore, Su Zhenchang’s satisfaction rate was 46.8%, and the dissatisfaction rate was 49.3%. Compared to the previous month, satisfaction decreased slightly by 0.8%, dissatisfaction increased slightly by 2.1%, and 3.9% did not respond clearly. Surveys noted that Su Zhenchang’s dissatisfaction rate has reached the highest point since taking office in January 2019.

Regarding the poll results, Xie Hanbing stated on the “TVBS” political theory program “News Vernacular” on the 28th that he did not believe that Tsai Ing-wen still had such a high degree of support. He personally believes that Tsai’s actual support should be only 30%. Around that, he really saw nothing good that he would have done, except that the prevention of the epidemic was done well thanks to the efforts of all the people.

Xie Hanbing said that what makes him feel even more incredible is that Su Zhenchang’s support level is still 46%. A CEO who is full of lies and only uses the “Central Map Room” every day to succumb to opposition parties and take credit. Will everyone believe it? ? Xie Hanbing pointed out that it may be due to the relationship between the institutional effect and the survey design, and the results will be somewhat different. However, after the opening of the Laizhu, everyone can observe that when many Green Committees and the Democratic People’s Republic of China are interviewed, people will directly drown. The emotions that represent dissatisfaction have spread throughout Taiwan.

He also believes this poll clearly reminds the Cai government that the overall momentum is waning, but as far as he (Xie Hanbing) knows about President Cai and Dean Su, “this doesn’t matter to them at all, it doesn’t matter. He stressed that the focus should be on what is the real reaction of the people of Taiwan, and everyone should know it in their hearts.

Article Source: Previous Island Survey

(Zhongshi News Network)
