Xi Jinping’s speech in Shenzhen coughs enthusiastically on China Central News Agency CCTV-News


  1. Xi Jinping’s Shenzhen speech coughs urgently on CCTV
  2. 40 years in Shenzhen | Xi Jinping’s frequent cough and health are striking! He announced that the development of the Greater Bay Area encourages “compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan” to invest in Taiwan Apple Daily
  3. Xi Jinping’s Shenzhen speech showed symptoms of violent coughing Yahoo News
  4. Health lights up? Xi Jinping gives a speech and coughs, second CCTV cut, TTV NEWS
  5. [Encrucijada]Shenzhen hollowed out Hong Kong? Taiwan’s spies are secretive
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report