Wujieba suddenly released water and killed Taipower-udn OOPS! News


  1. Wujieba suddenly spilled water and killed people, Taipower revealed the timing of the udn OOPS accident!
  2. [3 muertos y 1 desaparecido en el campamento]They seek the waterfall for a long time, but the sky has not been seen, the rescue has been temporarily suspended, Taiwan Apple Daily
  3. In the early morning of the camp on the Wujieba riverbed, 4 people were swept away by the soaring current-Formosa TV News network
  4. Live Film / Video Exhibit 2 Family Family Camping at Creek Bed Washed and Found 7-year-old UDN United News Network
  5. The remains of the dead woman from Wujieba 2 were transferred by helicopter to the Liqixi camp, Chinatimes.com
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report