“Wuhan Pneumonia” Overseas immigration suspected of being infected by groups of planes? Zhuang Renxiang: Case of 765 New Zealand man as source of infection | life | Newtalk


Zhuang Renxiang, command center spokesperson Image: Epidemic Central Command Center / Provided

Zhuang Renxiang, command center spokesperson Image: Epidemic Central Command Center / Provided

Central Epidemic Command Center today(twenty)New national incorporations announced3ExampleCOVID-19Confirm the case,2Called12month18Japanese advertisementFrom 760colleague(case765766)1Indonesian crew(case767)

Spokesperson Zhuang Renxiang noted that the case765for60New Zealand male of various yearselevenmonth29Japan to the United States,12Back to Taiwan on the 4th12month12Day and case760On the same flight to the United States, I had symptoms of a cough on board,12monthfifteenDo home quarantine after returning to Taiwan every day,12month18Contacts for the examination were arranged that day, and the diagnosis was confirmed today, and the serum antibody was also positive.The health unit has contacts listed8Inspection of people was also organized. Three people tested negative and the rest were being tested.

case766fortwentyJapanese male of several years, once in12month5He flew to the United States,12month7I came back to Taiwan every day,12month12Day and case760The same flight to the United States12monthfifteenHome quarantine after returning to Taiwan every day,12month18Organize daily inspections for contacts, self-report12month17I have cough symptoms every day12month19Mild diarrhea occurred daily and today was diagnosed with negative serum antibodies.The health unit has listed contactstwenty-onePeople will also make the necessary arrangements for quarantine and investigation of the epidemic.

The command center stated that the case760Current contacts have been included in60People, they’ve been inspected56People where2Positive(case765766)17The first name is negative and the rest are being tested. Due to the case760765766Used to12month12Same day flights work, all trips are in confined spaces, for a long time and some of the time it’s unprotected contact(Drink water, eat, etc.), And for the case765Symptoms on the plane, study and judge the case.760766Proposal in flight765Infection is an incident of infection of an aircraft.

case767for40Indonesian male of various years,12month3Come to work in Taiwan, wait before boarding3Nucleic acid test negative report within the day, after entry to the epidemic prevention hotel for quarantine, so far asymptomatic.12month18After the expiration of the daily quarantine period, the transport company organized a self-financed inspection and the diagnosis was confirmed today. The health unit has dominated the total number of contacts.9people,8The person is a member of the crew of the same ship, who is separated from his home,1The driver of the special collection and inspection vehicle is equipped with the appropriate protective equipment throughout the process and is under independent health management.

Command center statistics, cumulative so far national119,405Wuhan Pneumonia Bulletin(With117,361Exclusion),among them766Cases were diagnosed, respectively672Foreign migration cases,55Local cases,36The fleet,2Aeronautical infection cases and1Unknown; other1Example(case530)Eliminate empty numbers In confirmed cases7People die627People come out of isolation132People are hospitalized in isolation.

The Epidemic Central Command Center today announced (20) 3 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China, 2 of them were 760 colleagues (765 cases, 766) announced on December 18, and 1 was a crewman who entered from Indonesia (cases) 767).

Spokesperson Zhuang Renxiang noted that Case 765 is a New Zealand man in his 60s. He flew to the United States on November 29 and returned to Taiwan on December 4. On December 12, he flew to the United States on the same flight as Case 760. Symptoms of cough, home quarantine after returning to Taiwan on December 15, arrangements for inspection of contacts on December 18 and diagnosis confirmed today.
