“Wu Se’s point of view” Do you see the hunting heart? The logic of the KMT that Taiwan operates to restore diplomatic relations between the United States and the United States | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen agreed to an exclusive interview with Cai Shiping a few days ago.Picture: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen agreed to an exclusive interview with Cai Shiping a few days ago.Picture: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

After the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the Kuomintang Yuan Legislative Caucus temporarily proposed resolutions “Resume diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States” and “Call on the United States to help resist the CCP.” It is rare that the two resolutions were passed smoothly after being read without any conflict between the ruling party and the opposition. It is not binding, it is a statement of the congressional position on national policy, but can be used as the basis for a national consensus on national interests. For the DPP government, it has an external space to actively promote Taiwan’s international participation and diplomacy. Declared trust. However, the original intention of the Kuomintang might not be the case, and squeezing and breaking the bowl may once again trigger a line dispute within the party.

The logic of the KMT’s happy proposal is nothing more than the statement by Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie that “Taiwan has no plans to establish diplomatic relations with the United States in the near future” and is trying to strengthen the government. ” pro-US and anti-China “at a time when Taiwan-US relations are tightening. The intention is to bet on the political logic of “laugh you don’t dare”, hoping to use this to launch offensive and defensive problems between the ruling party and the opposition; curiously, such a proposal did not arouse opposition from the DPP, and even adopted a fluid flow. Adoption of the resolution should not be an outcome the Kuomintang would like to see, and the Kuomintang is faced with the dilemma of riding a tiger. If the case is dropped, it will be labeled “pro-China and anti-Taiwan.”

Of course, the Kuomintang illusion is not just that, but it considers “reestablishing diplomatic relations between the ROC and the United States” and “the United States helping Taiwan resist the CCP” as the government’s political guide to the United States, examining whether Taiwan and the United States can establish comprehensive diplomatic relations; In other words, the Kuomintang intends to operate the establishment of diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States as part of the internal political struggle. If the United States adjusts its policy toward Taiwan in the future, it will be able to criticize the success or failure of the government’s foreign policy in accordance with the resolution. However, the movements apparently uncovered by the KMT conscience to defend Taiwan are full of contradictions. First, they deliberately ignore US diplomatic principles and the current international situation, and second, they run counter to the recent cross-strait speech about “pro America and China.”

In fact, the Kuomintang made an incorrect calculation. Although it is not easy to restore diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States, the active promotion of the DPP has already paid off. Issues including arms sales to Taiwan, official visits to Taiwan, and economic and trade issues have further established the relationship between Taiwan and the United States. This is not to mention that under the premise that the Communist Party of China intends to use force to violate Taiwan, the United States, as a powerful country in the Asia-Pacific region, whether the scope of military cooperation between The United States and Japan, the United States and South Korea, or national security to prevent China’s foreign military expansion. It is recognized that the United States stands ready to provide strategic assistance to Taiwan. “Persuading” the US government in accordance with the spirit of the Taiwan Relations Act is a fundamental mistake. The United States has never “said no” and there is no such thing as “persuasion.”

To be fair, the Kuomintang also wants to use this to eliminate the misery caused by the “pro-China.” After all, the new discussions on both sides of the strait, the new bottles of old wine, cannot resonate in the country, and even highlight the internal perception of its “friend-China” position. He has repeatedly opposed the importation of American pigs and downplayed the political implications of the visit of the US Secretary of Health and the Assistant Secretary to Taiwan. For a long time, on the surface, “pro-United States” and “he-China” seem to go hand in hand, but in fact they are in the same spirit with China, operating “Taiwan-United States relations” and “relations to the United States. across the Strait “as” between peace and war. “Zero sum game” (Zero sum game), now changing the string and easy to adjust is “Summoning for Peace” from Straits Forum after “Summoning” from Straits Forum? Or is it an inconsistent political calculation? It’s really confusing.

It is not Taiwan’s hope to establish diplomatic relations with the United States, but do not forget that in the 1970s, the ROC was forced to withdraw from the United Nations, gradually lost diplomatic relations with major powers, and even broke the diplomatic relations with the United States. In addition to unfavorable factors in the international environment, it was also because At that time, the Kuomintang government misjudged the international situation, and now it is extremely ironic to mention the restoration of relations between Taiwan and the United States. However, the difficulties facing the Kuomintang are not limited to this. On the one hand, the United States is obliged to help in the fight against China, while on the other hand it is disconnected from China. How can such a political position not be confusing? Obviously, if the Kuomintang wants to take advantage of both sides, it will be caught in a dilemma: if he loses his wife and breaks up his troops, it is true to public opinion that the Kuomintang will be completely degenerate.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan group temporarily proposed resolutions “Resume diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States” and “Call on the United States to help resist the CCP.” It is rare that the two resolutions were passed smoothly after being read without conflict between the ruling party and the opposition. It is not binding, it is a statement of congressional position on national policy, but can be used as the basis for a national consensus on national interests. This is for the DPP government to actively promote Taiwan’s international engagement and diplomatic space. Declared trust. However, the original intention of the Kuomintang might not be the case, and squeezing and breaking the bowl may once again trigger a line dispute within the party.
