Winter break is here! How do 4050 students studying in the UK return to Taiwan? Zhuang Renxiang: Provide the necessary assistance | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Reported by Lin Yanjun

A variant of the Wuhan pneumonia virus (COVID-19, new corona pneumonia) was recently reported in the UK. According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Education, there are up to 4,050 Chinese students enrolled in British universities. Regarding the upcoming winter holidays and the Spring Festival, the Ministry of Education said. In principle, the will of foreign students to return to the country is respected. If Taiwanese students need help in case of urgent difficulties to return to Taiwan, they will be contacted by the UK representative office or the UK education team for assistance. At the temporary press conference of the Epidemic Central Command Center today (27), command center spokesman Zhuang Renxiang also replied: “It is impossible for students who are still in the UK to get back together, but they will provide the assistance needed if they do. “

▲ There are still 4,050 international students registered in the UK, what should we do in the future? Zhuang Renxiang said that if he wants to return, he will provide the necessary assistance. (Photo / provided by the Epidemic Central Command Center)

The International Department of the Ministry of Education stated that as Europe and the United States approach the end of the new calendar semester and there are many New Year demonstrations, in principle, we respect the willingness of foreign students to return to the country and provide timely assistance and adequate to foreign students by strengthening the existing emergency aid mechanism through foreign agencies. . The Education Section of the UK Ministry of Education created a Facebook page to remind students to pay attention to the various epidemic prevention measures and related regulations of the British government, while at the same time transmitting diverse information about students through the president of the 54 Taiwan Alumni Association.

The Department of International Affairs noted that the British government originally planned to slightly relax prevention measures for the epidemic over the Christmas holidays. However, due to the recent escalation of the epidemic situation in the south-east of England, the British government issued an emergency statement on December 19 to change the original 3-tier system. : In addition to the medium, high and very high measures, more stringent Level 4 measures have been added. The UK education team simultaneously reminded international students to comply with the UK government’s epidemic prevention regulations in Facebook.

In addition, the Ministry of Education mentioned that, according to the education team of the British representative office, traffic in the United Kingdom is still fluid. If Taiwanese students want to return to Taiwan and need help in an emergency, they will contact the UK Representative Office or UK Education Team for help and will do their best to organize it. . In response, command center spokesman Zhuang Renxiang said that for the 4,050 students in the UK, the command center will also cooperate and discuss with the Ministry of Education and the UK representative office to draw up plans for return to Taiwan. However, Zhuang Renxiang said, “More than 4000 students It is impossible to return to Taiwan together, but if we want to return, we will provide the necessary assistance.”

The International Department explained the following:

1. According to the latest statistics from the Higher Education Statistics Office, there are 4,050 Chinese students enrolled in British universities.

2. As Europe and the United States approach the end of the new calendar semester and there are many New Year’s Eve gatherings, the Ministry of Education has issued the following epidemic prevention warnings for students in the United Kingdom and Taiwan:

(1) In principle, the Ministry of Education respects the will of foreign students to return to the country and strengthens the existing emergency aid mechanism through foreign agencies to provide timely and adequate assistance to foreign students.

(2) The Department’s British Education Section created a Facebook page and reminded students to pay attention to the various epidemic prevention measures and related regulations of the British government. At the same time, the 54 presidents of the Taiwan Alumni Association broadcast information about international students.

(3) The British government originally planned to relax epidemic prevention measures slightly over the Christmas holidays, but due to the recent escalation of the epidemic situation in south-east England, the British government issued an emergency statement on 19 December to change the original 3-tier system of epidemic prevention measures: In addition to medium, high and very high measures, more stringent level 4 measures have been added. The British educational team also reminded international students that they must Comply with the UK government’s epidemic prevention regulations on Facebook.

3. According to the education team at the UK representative office, traffic in the UK is still fluid. If Taiwanese students want to return to Taiwan and need help in an emergency, they will contact the UK representative office or education team for help and will do their best to organize it.

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia):

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

To prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear a mask if necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to crowded places, and avoid contact with poultry and livestock.

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report it. If you suspect you have symptoms within 14 days, call the Outbreak Prevention Line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free line for the prevention of epidemics: 1922, 0800-001922
