Why was Qiu Shuti brutally bombed? Feng Guangyuan: I forgot to wear equipment when I posted the article, it looks ugly | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Li Hongdian / Taipei Report

In the Taoyuan Ministry Hospital, the cluster infection spread. Former Taipei City Health Director Qiu Shuti listed the command center’s top four mistakes. Critical experts were silenced. Only sycophants and great internal propaganda remained. Writer Feng Guangyuan made fun of Qiu Shuti not wearing a spacesuit like when he entered the Peace Hospital during po rehearsal. No wonder it responded to the unilateral response of the villagers, lacked the ability to resist, and looked ugly!

▼ ▲ Qiu Shuti put on a fully armed protective suit, a hood, and an oxygen cylinder, entered the Peace Hospital and was ridiculed as an astronaut. (Image / photo data)

On the 22nd, Qiu Shuti criticized on Facebook that the command center lacked serious logic for epidemic prevention. “The experts from the National Taiwan University School of Public Health were beaten into silence. Only the sycophants and the great internal propaganda remained. Blessing of the people?” The four command centers have “very basic but terrible logical errors “, believing that each additional case now requires a 28-day danger period.” It seems that the business opportunities during the Spring Festival, whether in Taoyuan or even in Taiwan, are gone. A series of fatal mistakes together with the delay in the expansion of the inspections, waiting to die, they created this situation. “

As soon as this comment infuriated all walks of life, because the person who ordered the closure of Heping Hospital was himself Qiu Shuti, but now he blames the command center for the hard work of epidemic prevention; National Taiwan University physician Shi Jingzhong outlined Qiu Shuti’s inspection process from Heping Hospital that year, citing a report from that year. He said that doctors only wear masks, but Qiu Shuti has the most complete equipment. In addition to wearing protective clothing and hoods, he also carries oxygen cylinders. He is not willing to go to Building B in the most severely affected area. After the meeting that year, some doctors asked: “They went to Building B, the whole body was so tight and they brought oxygen cylinders. The front line doctors did not have such strong equipment. What would they think?” Shi Jingzhong also wrote with emotion, “Sir, hide in a safe place and let your army go to the front to fight for life or death. This is human life, not a pawn.”

As for “astronaut” Qiu Shuti caused public outrage, DPP legislator Wang Dingyu stated that Ms. Qiu Shuti’s incompetent SARS hospital closure and only incompetent removal caused the Peace Hospital tragedy. Regardless of everyone’s life or death, completely incapacitating, leaving behind the absurd image of himself wearing a perfectly protected spacesuit and the eternal pain of many families. As a result of the hospital closure, 57 employees were infected, 7 died, 97 people in the hospital were infected, and 24 died.

Feng Guangyuan wrote on Facebook: “Great news! Exclusive!”, Ma Ying-jeou, who made the decision to close the Peace Hospital indiscriminately during SARS, caused many deaths, and Qiu Shuti, who was in charge of handle the massive infection in Taoyuan. Hospital. “The center seriously lacks the logic of epidemic prevention” in the article, did not wear protective clothing, hood or oxygen tank during the whole process! “No wonder responding to the villagers’ one-sidedness is completely unable to resist and looks ugly!”
