Why the mainstream media started reporting on Hunter before the election to block the scandal | Hunter Biden | Hunter Biden | Hunter biden


[La Gran Época, 11 de diciembre de 2020](Epoch Times reporter Li Yan’s full report) Fox News reported that the mainstream media seem to have finally dealt with the Hunter Biden “rumors” and started reporting. They think that at least now their father has been “elected” as president, and it is no big deal to denounce him.

In the final weeks before the election, the “New York Post” criticized reports of scandals involving Hunter’s computers, revealing Hunter’s many “disruptive” foreign businesses primarily in China, along with his father and the Democratic presidential candidate. . Joe Biden was also questioned. Regarding this explosive news, the mainstream media remained silent and even blocked it.

Republican Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate National Security Committee (Senate National Security Committee), said the media cracked down on the scandal of the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden (Joe Biden) Hunter Biden. Failure to report will cause serious interference in this election.

Hunter said in a statement Wednesday: “I learned for the first time yesterday that the Delaware Federal Attorney’s Office also informed my legal counsel yesterday that they are investigating my tax matters.”

Hunt did not elaborate further on the nature of the investigation. However, people familiar with the matter revealed to the Associated Press that at least part of this tax investigation is related to Hunter’s business transactions in China. People familiar with the matter said that authorities have, in fact, opened this investigation since 2018. Since the Justice Ministry opposed the public investigation before the election, only recently did investigators begin contacting Hunter Biden.

Faced with Hunter Biden’s statement, the mainstream media outlets previously labeling “baseless conspiracy theories”, “smear campaigns” and “Russian false information” began in the New York Post reports on the Biden family scandal. “Tracing”.

The nightly news programs of the three main television networks address this issue. Among them, “NBC Evening News” spent most of the time here, about 1 minute and 16 seconds; reports related to “CBS Evening News” ranked second, lasting approximately 45 seconds; followed by ABC’s “Tonight World News”. , Just about 30 seconds.

CNN host Jake Tapper also reported this latest news on his show, and was completely contrary to his tone of voice about such events during the election. During the general election, he called the accusations against Hunter Biden “too disgusting” and could hardly be repeated a second time on the show.

The New York Post exposed a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden in October. The emails and information indicated that Hunter had hooked up with executives at the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings in 2015 and introduced him to his father, Joe Biden, who was the vice president at the time.

Joe Biden admitted in 2018 that he had withheld $ 1 billion in US loan guarantees as a condition of forcing Ukraine to halt its corruption investigations against Brisma.

An email from Hunter also mentioned that China Huaxin Company and Hunter have a temporary agreement, stating that 80% of their joint venture assets will be shared equally by Hunter and several others, and the remaining 20% ​​will be shared by “Jim” and Hunter. A “Big Guy” (big boss) is divided equally, and Hunter owns 10% of the shares of the latter.

Former business partner of the Biden family, Tony Bobulinski (Tony Bobulinski), confirmed in October that the “big boss” refers to Joe Biden. Hunter often asks the “big boss” to help him make business decisions. Bobrinsky stated that the Biden family received many benefits from the CCP and “pledged” to the CCP.

Tarper’s colleagues Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper also brought up the unfolding of this explosive event on the show last night.

Just a few days ago, leaked Project Veritas recordings revealed how these “anti-chuan” outlets reported relevant reports. In the recording, CNN President Jeff Zucker and CNN Political Director David Chalian urged staff to avoid New York Post coverage of Hunter Biden during the election.

At the same time, MSNBC star presenter Rachel Maddow (Rachel Maddow) spent only 80 seconds on the hour-long show to discuss this issue, but most of the time it was repeatedly claimed that the tax investigations Republicans had nothing to do with with the “smear campaign” launched in the “New York Post” during the elections.

Previously, on the same network, the host of “The Beat” Ari Melber (Ari Melber) questioned the legality of investigating Biden. He believes that this is the politicization of the Justice Department by President Trump (Trump) and the investigations that he has called on the Bidens in the past.

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace and Brian Williams also briefly featured Hunter Biden news on their shows.

A government official told Fox News that Hunter Biden was the subject / target of the grand jury investigation. According to the source, the “target” refers to “it is likely that this person has committed a crime”, while the “target” is a person who is still “not sure” whether or not they have committed a crime.

According to sources, Biden has yet to become the subject of investigation by the jury.

Senator Johnson declared that the influence and interference of the so-called mainstream media in the elections has been far greater than “any Russian intervention.” “In fact, there are now polls,” he said. “A McClatchy poll shows that 36% of Biden voters have never heard of Hunter due to censorship and (news) repression. About Biden. Among them, 13% said that if they knew it would be impossible vote for Biden “.

Editor in charge: Lin Yan #
