Why do so many people insist on not taking the MRT? The public reveals “2 fatal flaws”: no wonder not to sit | New | NOWnews Today News


Why do so many people insist on not taking the MRT? The public reveals “2 fatal flaws”: no wonder not to sit | New | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Editorial Center / General Report

2021-01-05 10:35:40

▲ This morning (5) there was smoke from the train tracks on the North Jiewen Lake Line.  The platform was suspended and delayed for 7 minutes.  (Photo / NOWnews Photography Center)
▲ The MRT is one of the tools that many people use to travel every day, but many people never take the MRT. (NOWnews photo / profile picture)

The development of public transportation in Taiwan is improving. Some counties and cities have MRTs, passenger buses, etc., which are very convenient for traveling to and from various locations. In particular, the precise delivery points of the MRT have become an indispensable tool for many people commuting to work and class. However, some netizens argued “Why don’t many people take the MRT?” The post sparked a heated discussion.

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The original PO noted in a PTT post: “If the MRT can reach your destination, why do you need to ride a motorcycle? The benefits of MRT are that you don’t have to endure wind and rain, and you shouldn’t be afraid of drive like heaven. A highway like a speeding car, but still wondering why so many people insist on not taking the MRT. “

▲ Internet users wonder why so many people insist on not taking the MRT so convenient.  (Photo / data photo from NOWnews)
▲ Internet users wonder why so many people insist on not taking the MRT so convenient. (Photo / data photo from NOWnews)

As soon as the post came out, netizens clicked on the “Mobility is still a big locomotive” key, “Compared to a locomotive, agile computing is too expensive and mobility is huge.” “The mobility of private vehicles is high. This is The MRT cannot be compared”, “Every time I make an appointment with my friends, the locomotive comes and they have to walk from the MRT station. The mobility is really very low “,” I don’t think it’s good to go to the destination after any MRT station. It’s … the maneuverability lags behind that of private teams. ” In addition, some Internet users gave an example: “If you go by motorcycle, you can go directly to your destination, assuming 15 minutes. It may take 10 to 15 minutes to get to the MRT station, which is a few blocks away. For people who they can drive motorcycles, it’s the real reason for not taking the MRT. ” (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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