Why did the New Zealand pilot hide his activity history? ‘Reasons for the dark’ analysis: no wonder he doesn’t talk about it | New | NOWnews Today News


Why did the New Zealand pilot hide his activity history – ‘Reasons for the Dark’ Analysis: No wonder he doesn’t talk about it | New | NOWnews Today News

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Why did the New Zealand pilot hide the activity history? Analysis of the “causes of darkness”: no wonder he does not talk about it

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-23 07: 22: 28 |2020-12-23 08:34:00

▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center held a temporary press conference today (17).  Commander Chen Shizhong also responded to Laizhu's dispute.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center announced yesterday that Taiwan has added a new confirmed case. (Photo / provided by the command center)

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced yesterday (22) that there was a new domestic case out of 771 new cases of coronary pneumonia. The source of infection was foreign pilot case 765 from New Zealand, and the pilot was not very cooperative during the investigation of the epidemic. And hide the history of activities, which led to the failure of the local Taiwan diagnosis 0! In this regard, some netizens discussed “What is there to hide in the history of activities?”

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The command center mentioned that the newly added 765 overseas immigration case on the 20th was a 60-year-old pilot from New Zealand who had coughing symptoms and was not wearing a mask while working on the plane. After entering Taiwan, he went out to department stores. Hypermarkets, etc., upon receiving the investigation of the epidemic, said they did not remember the history of activities, and never mentioned the case of contact 771. After investigating the trajectory of activity by the police unit, it was discovered that the pilot case she had been in close contact from 7 to 12,771. On the 21st, the health unit reorganized the inspection and she was diagnosed.

▲ A New Zealand pilot who inflicted a diagnosis in the local area of ​​0 Taiwan did not cooperate in the epidemic investigation process.  (Sketch / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ A New Zealand pilot who inflicted a diagnosis in Taiwan Local Area 0 was reluctant to cooperate in the epidemic investigation process. (Sketch / reproduced from Pixabay)

In this regard, some netizens pointed out in a PTT post that “Taiwan has worked hard for so long. As a result, because a foreign pilot caused a local diagnosis to break the job, it was really miserable for the mouse shit! But what makes me even more curious … Why hide the history of activities and close contacts with people? There’s nothing to say about it … It’s so ridiculous for the New Year. “

As soon as the publication came out, netizens responded: “The relationship is not simple! It has been revealed that you have a wife and a child”, “The relationship is not simple and you do not dare to talk about it … The result is not captured “,” Although it is concealed, it is broken. But I have to say that the prevention of the Taiwan epidemic is still too strong, and all the concealment is discovered “,” I dare not speak of a +1 wife “,” No I dare to talk about it if I have a wife, but the investigation unit of the epidemic found me and the report was even bigger “,” How dare to speak when a wife is a girl “,” Someone has already revealed that he has wife, no wonder they dare not speak ”.

In fact, after the news broke yesterday, the team had already revealed on the Internet the news that the New Zealand pilot already has a wife and children, and after the diagnostic report was released, always has believed that the “report is false”, and is the government of Taiwan. Looking for a scapegoat. (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

▲ The crew reported online that the New Zealand pilot reacted after the diagnosis, saying the Taiwanese government just wanted to find a scapegoat.  (Photo / PTT)
▲ The flight crew reported online that the New Zealand pilot reacted after the diagnosis, saying that the Taiwanese government just wanted to find a scapegoat. (Photo / PTT)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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