Why did a group of people stop eating instant noodles? Public exhibition “2 fatal flaws”: you can’t go back | New | NOWnews Today News


Why do a group of people stop eating instant noodles? Public exhibition “2 fatal flaws”: you can not go back | New | NOWnews Today News

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Why does a group of people stop eating instant noodles? Public exhibition “2 fatal flaws”: can not go back

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-28 07:15:33

▲ Instant noodles.  (Diagram / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ Netizens discussed whether someone has stopped eating instant noodles. (Sketch / reproduced from Pixabay)

Due to its convenience and many flavors, instant noodles have become the first choice for dinner for many people, and even some busy people will treat instant noodles like a regular meal. However, some netizens recently discussed “Are there people like me who don’t eat instant noodles anymore?”

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The original PO noted in the PTT article: “I used to really like instant noodles, but instant noodles are getting more and more expensive, especially in bowls. After all, I can’t eat enough to eat one bowl. Like two bowls straight. A big bowl of noodles in a bento or at a concession stand would be nice, and it’s not that empty. I want to ask everyone like me that they don’t eat instant noodles anymore. “

▲ Many people think that the price of instant noodles is too high and they are not enough to eat, coupled with uneven nutrition, so they gradually stop eating instant noodles.  (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ Many people think that the price of instant noodles is too high and that they are not enough to eat, coupled with uneven nutrition, so they gradually stop eating instant noodles. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

As soon as the post came out, netizens replied “I can’t eat anything if I don’t eat +1”, “I really can’t eat enough … I want to eat two bowls and I think it’s better to eat something else” and “The bowls too they eat. ” I’m not full, the noodles are so few “,” I can’t eat +1 unless I drink the soup, but it’s still easy to get hungry “,” It can’t be a normal meal … I really can’t eat enough ” , “The price is going up Expensive, a bowl of 40 or 50 is not full yet”, “The price will not go back a long time ago, and the price will continue to go up in the future, and you will not be full.” Also, many people pointed out that “the sodium content is too high, especially those who are still drinking soup there. It’s not healthy enough. “” It’s very unhealthy. Eating instant noodles in three meals saves money and saves your body. “If you can’t eat enough, there’s really no reason to eat.” “You have to eat two bowls if you want to be full and the nutrients are not balanced.

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