Who made the decision for the 40,000 monthly rent in Minglun? Director Du Fa candidly said: Mayor’s Office | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


Huang Jingmao, Director of the Taipei Metropolitan Government (second from left) Image: Zhou Xuanhui / photo

Huang Jingmao, Director of the Taipei Metropolitan Government (left 2) Image: Zhou Xuanhui / photo

The rent for the 3-room type of Minglun House in Taipei City was over 40,000, prompting external discussions. The Taipei City Council Public Works Committee reviewed the housing fund budget today (15). Many congressmen are concerned about the decision of who is to rent the Minglun House? And who decides to demand a 100% self-compensation rate? Huang Jingmao, director of the Taipei Metropolitan Government Office, candidly said that when the Metropolitan Government Office reported on rents, some officials believed that financial sustainability should be maintained. Finally, the mayor’s office decided after a morning meeting that the self-pay rate should not be less than 100%.

Regarding the controversy over Minglun House’s monthly rent of more than 40,000, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe recently emphasized that some people say the government should not expect to recover the cost of building a house, nor can it establish a repayment rate. However, the ideal is practical, but there are practical difficulties. The government builds social housing to care for the underprivileged, but to achieve justice in housing, it cannot become a bottomless pit and debt for children.

The Public Works Committee reviewed the housing fund budget in the afternoon. Many councilors questioned the high rents for Minglun Houses. DPP member Hong Jianyi questioned that everyone would question whether Minglun Houses had one city, two systems. They were rented before (rental). ) Same as the (rental) rented now? The self-compensating rate that the Beishi government loves to talk about is the calculation of the return on investment in business activities. Why does the Beishi government use these three words? And before there was no such algorithm, now suddenly there is such an algorithm?

You Shuhui also criticized that the new formula was only available in 106 years. Maybe the previous nursing home and Xinglong house were not this formula? Why is Minglun House so unlucky?

The members at the scene asked, who the heck proposed the self-compensation rate? Who thinks that the 15% discount on the market price does not fit the current situation and should maintain financial sustainability?

However, Huang Jingmao did not respond positively, only referring to the mayor’s office chairman Ke Wenzhe’s final decision that the self-compensation rate of Daqiaotou, Muzha, Jinlong and Minglun should not be less than 100% in East Taipei. year.

As for the rent before the Beijing Municipal Government report in October, how did the rent skyrocket 1.8 times in November? What is the turning point in the middle? Huang Jingmao pointed out that the city government’s social housing rental budget has caused misunderstandings. Starting from the health community housing rental in 2018, the budget for the first year is based on the actual budget of the interior floor, but when the actual rent is added, the calculation is verified based on the number of public rights. rent. Huang said he made a mistake in the first year.

As for how many years have the deputies made mistakes? Chen Zhengting, Section Chief of the Beishi Metropolitan Development Office, added that the relatively large number of social housing in Beishi started with healthy housing. In 107, the budget was first calculated based on the number of interior pings and then the actual number of pings.

Councilor Xu Qiaoxin asked, if you always calculate like this, what happens? What is the so-called error? Huang Jingmao responded by referring to the social housing that was completed the following year. The annual revenue for the next year should be compiled, not based on the actual number of square meters, but the number of interior square meters.

Wang Xinyi Works CouncilEmphasize,107It wasn’t like this year ago, this is107Years later, the city government thought that the budget should be reported in the number of interior pings, that is, from the beginning of the healthy house. The North City government made this decision and decided to use it to inform the budget. Therefore, those decisions and choices at that time were wrong practices. politics.

The rent for the 3-room guy at Minglun House in Taipei City was over 40,000, sparking an argument. The Public Works Committee of the Taipei City Council reviewed the housing fund budget today (15). Many congressmen are concerned about the decision of who is to rent the Minglun House And who decides to demand a self-compensation rate of 100%?

Huang Jingmao, director of the Taipei Metropolitan Government Office, candidly said that when the Metropolitan Government Office reported on the rent, some officials believed that financial sustainability should be maintained. Finally, the mayor’s office decided after the morning meeting that the self-pay rate should not be less than 100%.

The Taipei City Council Public Works Committee is reviewing the housing fund budget today.Picture: Zhou Xuanhui / photo

The Taipei City Council Public Works Committee is reviewing the housing fund budget today Image: Zhou Xuanhui / photo
