Who is ashamed of readers’ book presentation? ? History will remember the damage that Zhongtian brought to Taiwan | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


Dissatisfied with the renewal of photos of the Zhongtian news channel was rejected by the NCC, the

Dissatisfied with the renewal of photos of the Zhongtian news channel was rejected by the NCC, the “China Times” wrote the word “disgraceful” on the cover today (19) .Figure: Flip image

After the NCC ruled that the Zhongtian news channel would not change the photos, Wangzhong Group did not review its own lack of knowledge of the news. Today (11/19) China Times even cursed President Cai and President Su with a full page headline. , Indicating that this is the darkest day in Taiwan’s news history, and the title “Shameful Story Will Remember You” was used as the cover text. One media group used this type of hate and antagonism reporting method to discredit and slander. Are you playing Taiwanese like monkeys and challenging everyone’s ability to read the media? With such poor quality of the media, it is no wonder that all the NCC review committees unanimously approved that Zhongtian not change the photos.

What is even more exaggerated is not only this. Zhongshi actually clearly listed the names, backgrounds, and other information of the seven reviewers on the front page of the newspaper. Now the whole town should attack these NCC reviewers? However, it is the Wangzhong Group itself that should be attacked by all the people. In particular, Zhongtian goes against the value of the media to “defend the public interest.” Don’t forget who has been reporting on Korea since the county mayor’s election. Did Yu create Hallyu, which escalated on the eve of the presidential elections? Do not forget which medium issued the NCC in 2019 to report that it violated Article 27, Paragraph 3, Subparagraph 4 of Article 27 of the “Law on Radio Broadcasting and Satellite Television” several times in 2019. A fine of 5.53 million yuan? Also, don’t forget which TV station applied for a license change in 2014 and had the highest record for violation penalties and penalties for 6 consecutive years in Taiwan?

However, for Zhongtian, the thousands of mistakes are the fault of others, they have nothing to do with me, and I do not intend to review myself. In fact, all the members of the NCC review unanimously agreed that Zhongtian News will not be renewed, which means that the Zhongtian news channel has major deficiencies in its operation. The seven members who participated in the review also individually pointed out the lack of the Zhongtian news channel. In particular, Zhongtian has considerable problems in fact-checking, and although the Zhongtian Self-Discipline Committee is in operation, the same news complaint records usually appear after the meeting for review. Relies on external regulations or external sanctions to improve. The self-discipline committee cannot function effectively at all. Don’t forget that it has been almost 6 years since Zhongtian’s last license change. The number of complaints and sanctions is the highest of all the news in Taichung. The range of sanctions covers almost the physical and mental health of children and adolescents, public order and violation of good customs. And news production and transmission violates the fact-checking principle and harms the public interest. The scope of Zhongtian’s violations covers almost all types of Article 27 of the Guangxi Law, not to mention that Zhongtian TV has 75% of the shares invested by Shenwang, and the stakes are concentrated. As a result, the report is vulnerable to the preferences of major shareholders.

It is strongly recommended that the Ministry of Education indicate how the Zhongtian news channel will harm the media and the people of Taiwan in the textbooks of middle and elementary schools in the future. This is not to criticize the Zhongtian news channel, but to improve our next generation of media literacy. Tell children how to distinguish false information and understand how important it is for the media industry to uphold the three core journalistic values ​​of “objective truth,” “social responsibility,” and “humanistic care.” Zhongtian is the best negative teaching material. At the same time, the Ministry of Education may also introduce the concept of “protection of freedom of expression” in this matter, as the Interpretation of the Chief Justice No. 364 explained the dispute “What does Article 11 of the Constitution to express freedom? ” Ephesus has a wide and far-reaching impact on society. Therefore, those who enjoy freedom of communication must fulfill their social responsibilities based on the concept of self-discipline and must not abuse the freedom. They can use the media to interfere with good customs, destroy social peace and endanger the country. The state is free to restrict the interests or infringe the rights of others in accordance with the law. “Let students understand that while singing it” protects freedom of expression “, if a media outlet only exaggerates, defames and sends messages false, is “The worst example of” abuse of freedom “!

Zhongtian is actually the shame of Taiwan’s media. History will remember the damage that Zhongtian brought to Taiwan!

Text / Jian Huanjie (Former Congress Assistant)

Zhongtian is truly an embarrassment to the Taiwanese media. History will remember the damage that Zhongtian brought to Taiwan!

It means that this is the darkest day in Taiwanese news history, and the title “Shameful Story Will Remember You” is used as the cover text.
