“White-eyed Goddess” Huang Jie is not satisfied with netizens who discredited for the second time and will apply to court for her application-Society-Free Times Electronic News


“The Goddess of White Eyes” Huang Jie was not satisfied with the netizens being discredited a second time, and said today that they would apply for their compliance in court. (Data photo)

2020/12/28 09:13

[Reportero Chen Wenchan / Kaohsiung]”The Goddess of White Eyes”, a non-party member of Gao City Councilor Huang Jie, was not satisfied with being humiliated by a netizen surnamed Huang. Huang Jie once accused of flagrant insults. Huang Jie did not want to cause a legal charge. Netizens donated money to education, social welfare and gay groups. Unexpectedly, netizens failed to complete the donation and criticized Huang Jie for “Members who bully people.” Huang Jiejin said that his dissatisfaction with the goodwill was distorted and that he was discredited and bullied twice. The court requested the execution.

Huang Jie participated in the gay parade last month. The surnamed Huang netizens humiliated her for “like licking each other”, “like stabbing”, “homosexuals are disgusting”, Huang Jie was not satisfied with the sexual humiliation of the surname Huang netizens Sexual harassment, once not He tolerated the verbal harassment, and sued a netizen surnamed Huang for blatant insults.

Fengshan Police notified a netizen surnamed Huang to come to the case on November 5. She confessed that she used excessive words in PO’s article, but the content was not directed at Huang Jie. She was willing to apologize to Huang Jie and also called Huang Jie to meet with her. Sorry, after the police call, the suspect was still expelled for public insults.

Huang Jie did not want to cause a legal charge, and hoped that netizen surnamed Huang could learn her lesson. Finally, she chose tolerance for mediation, with donations to gender advocacy groups as a condition, and finally settled for 9,000 yuan and asked for donations for education and social welfare. And gay groups, I hope the other party can understand and respect gender issues.

Unexpectedly, after the two sides reached a reconciliation, Huang Nv did not complete the 9,000 yuan donation. Recently, a Facebook post PO criticized Huang Jie for “Members bullying people”, saying that Huang Jie “just wants to promote the gay city” and went to the male girl to be a student. Be a “slut girl” together, don’t be cheeky and say that others are bullying.

Huang Jie said that he didn’t expect his kindness to be rumored and discredited. Huang Nu recently used mediation content to discredit and intimidate her twice. He not only attacked her for “intimidating people into asking for money,” but he also promoted her removal again. The fake group “only want to promote the gay city” and other content, and even released their personal information, which left her very surprised.

Huang Jie pointed out that netizen surnamed Huang did not learn her lesson afterward, and insulted others in the same way on PO’s website. He also felt he was right. He would ask the court to enforce the law and ask him to donate 9,000 yuan for education and social welfare. And gay groups, I hope you can understand what you did wrong and stop inciting people in the same way. Regarding the content of the second article of the PO of a surname Huang, she will retain the right to legal prosecution.

Netizen surnamed Huang went to the police station earlier and said she would apologize to Huang Jie. (Photo by reporter Chen Wenchan)

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