Which Instant Pot Egg Noodle Is The Most Classic All Old Gluttons Promote “Childhood Overlord” – Eat Memories | New | NOWnews Today News


Which Instant Pot Egg Noodles Is The Most Classic All The Old Gluttons Promote The “Overlord Of Childhood” – Eat Memories | New | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2021-01-03 00:05:00

▲ At the time of hunger, a bowl of fragrant instant noodles is truly ecstasy.  (Diagram / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ Some netizens are curious to ask: “What kind of noodles are used for the most classic egg noodles?” (Schematic diagram / photographed from Pixabay)

Taiwan instant noodles are diverse in styles, brands, and rich in flavors, making people choose more diverse and attracting many consumers to buy. However, some netizens pointed out that he vaguely remembered that the instant noodles his mother cooked as a child were very delicious, so he was curious to ask, “What kind of noodles are the most classic instant egg noodles?” This has attracted many gluttons. Put the answer in mind.

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The original PO posted a post on the PTT gossip board, saying that she vaguely remembered that as a child her mother cooked instant noodles with eggs and it was delicious, but when she grew up she cooked them less often. What kinds of instant noodles with egg are commonly used? What kind of noodles are used for the more classic instant egg noodles? “

▲ Instant noodles.  (Sketch / Reverse PhotoAC)
▲▲ The original PO was curious about “What is the most classic egg and instant noodles?” (Sketch / PhotoAC)

As soon as the problem came to light, many gluttons immediately discussed it. Among them, “Bak Kut Teh Noodles” were the most popular, “Bak Kut Teh Noodles go well with eggs”, “Bak Kut Teh +1, you can eat souvenirs”, “It’s definitely unified. Bak Kut Teh noodles! Great ! “,” Chicken Noodles with Ribs and Bak Kut Teh Noodles “,” Feels like Bak Kut Teh Noodles “.

In addition, many people also named “Chicken noodles with pork ribs” and “Unified minced pork noodles”, “Unified minced pork noodles with egg and cabbage”, “Unified minced pork noodles without egg will taste too monotonous “,” Unitized minced meat, Pork ribs with chicken, really praise “,” I still love chicken rib noodles, praise! “,” Unitized minced pork noodles are the most common. It is also more suitable for the taste with eggs “,” The only rib chicken noodles that hold the ribs “Do not throw it and cook it, and pour the soup over the noodles.”

However, there are other people who recommend different options, saying bluntly “Veliga’s raw egg yolk is so delicious that I cry, I mean it”, “Beef noodles with scallions”, “Roast beef, don’t take the battle “,” Nissin from Japan “Yuanzu Chicken Ramen”, “Mom’s noodles! It looks very light but delicious. “” The Korean-style instant noodles are full. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

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