What Are the Techniques for Making Glutinous Rice Balls? Mum Exposed That “Fried Sugar” Would Be Fragrant and Collapsed After Cooking | New | NOWnews Today News


What Are The Techniques For Making Glutinous Rice Balls? Mom Exposed That “Fried Sugar” Would Be Fragrant And Collapsed After Cooking | New | NOWnews Today News

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What are the techniques for making glutinous rice balls? Mom said the “fried sugar” would be fragrant and it fell apart after cooking

Editorial Center / General Report

calendar_today2020-12-19 10:49:18

▲ What are the techniques for making glutinous rice balls?  Recently, some netizens revealed that his mother had taught him a
▲ What are the techniques for making glutinous rice balls? Recently, some netizens revealed that his mother had taught him a “trick”. (Photo / Obtained from “Booming Waste 1 Commune”)

Next Monday (21) is the winter solstice. When it comes to the winter solstice, many people will go to major supermarkets and stores first to prepare sticky rice balls. They plan to cook a pot of hot sweet soup with sticky rice balls to warm the stomach in cold weather. . Recently, some netizens revealed the “trick” taught by their mothers, stating that sugar must be fried before it tastes good. However, after the test, it was strange. The post also sparked a heated discussion among netizens.

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The original PO stated in “Bao Waste 1 Commune” that he recently made glutinous rice balls at home. To make the glutinous rice balls more fragrant, he planned to use the trick his mother taught him. When older generations cook glutinous rice balls, they not only throw out the glutinous rice balls and add sugar when the water is boiling, but they fry the white sugar evenly, let the sugar melt and thicken, and then add water to boil. . Boiled sugar water will be more fragrant and sweet.

▲ The original PO puts sugar in the pot and fries it, but the
▲ The original PO puts sugar in the pot and fries, but the “shape” gradually turns into soup. (Photo / Obtained from “Booming Waste 1 Commune”)

The original PO also immediately took the pot and tested it, “The ratio of water, sugar and oil is 4: 5: 1”. Pour in the oil first, then add white sugar and sauté evenly, and then add water. The original PO is fried. After gradually taking shape, the shape of the brown strip made it call “strange”.

Many netizens joked after reading it: “The more the soup is fried, the more mother soup”, “It looks very tasty”, “This pill will double the potency after taking it”, “I have zoomed in and confirmed that there are no corn kernels” , “It looks like a cat” Sand “,” Laugh to death, why does it taste so much “,” The stomach is not so good “,” Fried until the expression gradually turns into soup “,” Is not appetite if I stir it? “

In addition, some expert netizens pointed out that using “fried sugar in oil” is easy for the oil temperature to rise quickly, and the temperature is high, which will cause the sugar to caramelize quickly, which is not easy to operate. It must be stirred continuously to prevent the sugar from sticking to the pot. Wait for the bubbles to change from large to small, add a small amount of water to boil, the most important is to use “warm boiling water” as added water. (Edit: Xu Zhichao)

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