Was Biden Elected Fairly – Polls Show Two-Party Voters Divided | elections | legitimacy | survey


[La Gran Época 25 de diciembre de 2020](Full report by Epoch Times reporter Zhang Bei) “USA Today” (USA Today) and the University of Suffolk (Suffolk University) announced Thursday (December 24) polls. Statistics show that most Democrats believe that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is a legitimately elected president, but the majority of Republicans don’t think so.

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The poll conducted live telephone interviews with 1,000 registered voters from across the United States and found that 96% of Democrats believed that Biden was chosen fairly, and only 20% of Republicans had the same opinion.

Statistics show that 78% of Republicans believe that Biden is not a legitimately elected president; 3% of Democrats say Biden’s victory is not legitimate.

The inquiry also asked whether President Trump (Trump) should admit defeat now. 95% of Democrats think Trump should do this, only 37% of Republicans think the president should give in, and 57% of Republicans say this is not the time for Trump to stop fighting for an election fair.

On Wednesday night (December 23), Trump first personally proposed the idea of ​​establishing a “special prosecutor” to investigate voter fraud.

He said on Twitter: “After seeing large-scale electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election, some people think that it is not necessary (to establish a) strong, fast and impartial special prosecutor. I do not agree with this idea.”

“This is the most corrupt election in the history of our country and it must be carefully investigated!” He wrote.

The Trump campaign accused voters that the fraud was widespread and that Biden’s leadership was the result of a “national conspiracy” planned by Democrats. Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said he received at least 1,000 sworn testimony from the public, in which the alleged wrongdoing was “enough to annul any election.”

But the government’s election agency said in early November that this year’s election was “the safest election in American history.” “There is no evidence that any voting system has been removed, lost, changed or damaged in any way.”

On December 15, a poll published by McLaughlin & Associates showed that 46% of Americans believed that fraud occurred during the electoral process; 52% agreed that President Trump would continue the lawsuit. And half of these people are voters who voted for Biden. In other words, this data can represent the views of both Republican and Democratic voters.

Another poll released on the 16th by the Pew Research Center, an independent think tank and think tank in the United States, showed that during the 2020 presidential election, the avalanche of fake news has seriously affected people’s attitudes toward elections. .

Of the 12,648 adult Americans interviewed, 72% said they had seen at least “some” election news that appeared to be entirely fabricated, and 28% of them said they had read “a lot.”

63% of Americans said that (mainstream) media coverage of the campaign had a significant impact on the presidential election. Among them, 71% of Republicans and 56% of Democrats agree with this opinion.

Another 60% believed that “news and information fabricated with the intention of misleading the public” had a significant impact on the presidential elections. Among them, 69% of Republicans and 54% of Democrats agree with this opinion. #

(The English Epoch Times reporterBowen XiaoContribute to this article. )

Editor in Charge: Li Ling
