Wang Wanyu was bitter “Mother Green Lantern” Li Laixi and Huang Shixiu met and hated him late: Someone finally said out loud | Politics | New talk


Li Laixi, honorary president of the National Civil Service Association, and Huang Shixiu, a nuclear power supporter Figure: New Head Shell Synthesis

Li Laixi, honorary president of the National Civil Service Association, and Huang Shixiu, a nuclear power supporter Figure: New Head Shell Synthesis

Nuclear supporter Huang Shixiu was not satisfied with the power of the time. In the Legislative Yuan Health and Environmental Protection Committee election, Wang Wanyu voted for his archenemy, DPP legislator Hong Shenhan. He mocked Wang Wanyu as “the wing of the DPP” through Facebook. The Acid King is the “Green Light Mother”, which has caused controversy. Li Laixi, the former president of the National Association of Public Officials, helped Huang Shixiu on this (26) day, as if he had found a close friend, “Who is consuming the misfortune of his own children and cannot tolerate criticism of the others, will it be me? “

Time Force lawmaker Wang Wanyu voted for DPP lawmaker Hong Shenhan in the Yuan Legislative Health and Environmental Protection Committee election. It was bombed by Huang Shixiu, the founder of the nuclear power rumor terminator. From now on, he will be named “Mother Green Lantern”. , I think that Wang Wanyu still consumes small light bulbs. When public opinion unexpectedly exploded, Li Laixi, former president of the National Association of Public Servants, who had previously said that “Bombilla’s head had been kicked at Kaohsiung by his mother”, today (26) issued a criticism again, saying “the tide has turned back”. I know who’s not wearing pants. “

Regarding Huang Shixiu’s statement, Wang Wanyu said that Huang Shixiu used the pain of others to raise his voice, which was neither considered nor moral. Huang Shixiu was quite proud of his comments, thinking that he was the one who went through Wang Wanyu’s consumption of small light bulbs and criticized Wang full of family affection. In his bones, he basically believed that the child was the mother’s asset. Are you embarrassed to talk about the value of progress? He also emphasized that “no one dares to do it, it’s me. Only cold-blooded people can challenge political correctness.”

Li Laixi listened to Huang Shixiu’s comments, as if he had found a close friend, and said on Facebook that someone finally said out loud three times: “Mother Green Lantern.”

Li Laixi said: “The ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws. Only when the tide goes out will she know who is not wearing pants and who is lacking in basic humanity? Who is consuming the misfortune of his own children and cannot tolerate criticism. Will I be? Me? Why don’t people who criticize me indiscriminately show up right now? I’m waiting! “

In the past, Li Laixi criticized Wang Wanyu on Facebook because Wang Wanyu supported the removal of the former mayor of Kaohsiung Korea. “The head of the light bulb has been kicked into Kaohsiung by her mother.” This caused controversy. Reputation, announced the suspension of power for 2 years.

Li Laixi, the former president of the National Association of Public Officials, helped Huang Shixiu on this (26) day, as if he had found a close friend, “Who is consuming the misfortune of his own children and cannot tolerate criticism of the others, will it be me? “

Nuclear supporter Huang Shixiu was not satisfied with the power of the time. In the election of the Legislative Yuan Health and Environmental Protection Committee, Wang Wanyu voted for his arch nemesis, DPP legislator Hong Shenhan. He mocked Wang Wanyu as “the wing of the DPP” through Facebook. The Acid King is the “Green Light Mother”, causing controversy
