Vocational / Cai Qichang’s speech cited speculation as Liu Jieting’s next stop. | Baseball | sports


Liu JuntingHe will step down as Team Leader Lotte Peach Ape on the 11th and will end the fate of this team. Where will the next stop go?Middle postThe speech by Cai Qichang, president of the Alliance and vice president of the Legislative Yuan, caused concern. He wrote: “In the future, we will also have to rely on his talents to continue serving Taiwan.baseballWork hard! The outside world has sparked speculation about whether Liu Jiuting will be the candidate for secretary-general.

The monkey team announced that Liu Jieting has completed the tasks in phases and will step down as the team leader. Cai Qichang also posted on Facebook to thank Liu Jieting for his contribution to the monkey team and the medium’s posting with his father, calling it “Rakuten Monkeys forever.” Team captain”.

Cai Qichang, a fan of the elephant brother team, mentioned that Liu Jiuting led the Ape team to win 6 championships. He was also a heartbreaker, but this is also a learning and empowering process. He said that Liu Jiuting is not just love together. A friend from baseball is also a good mentor in this field. “In the future, we must rely on their talents and continue to work hard for Taiwanese baseball!”

Cai Qichang will be handed over on the 16th and will officially become the president of the vocational high school. When asked a few days ago about the candidate for secretary general, he offered ideal conditions. In addition to good administrative skills and love of baseball, “the third thing is to treat me as president. To fully understand and have the ability to execute.” He said he has some friends in the baseball circle and will start looking for suitable candidates.

Cai Qichang’s message today sparked speculation as to whether Liu Jieting’s next stop is the Secondary Vocational Union. Cai Qichang’s office responded to this. The secretary general is still being sought and has yet to be determined. There will be such a speech because he expects Liu Jingting to ignore it. In any capacity, the ability to continue to work hard in Taiwanese baseball is a talent the vice dean must rely on.

Cai Qichang’s Facebook post is as follows

Thank you Yun Ting, Rakuten Monkeys will always lead the team.

I think the dedication of team leader Jiuting and his father to Taiwanese baseball, I think the fans will see it in their eyes, and I no longer need to repeat them. Since he took over as Taoyuan team leader in 2012, starting from the territorialism “# 全場 家 场”, leading the team’s performance in combat power and marketing, has led the professional baseball league to develop upward. I took La new and Lamigo to No. 9 on Rakuten and won six championships. Although I was also a heartbreaker, this is also a process for everyone to strengthen and learn.

Thank you Jon Ting, not only my friend who loves baseball, but also my good mentor in this professional field. In the future, we still have to rely on his talent and keep working hard for Taiwanese baseball!
