Virus variants! More than 10 countries ban British flights to the country, airlines are temporarily unaffected | Life | NOWnews Today News


Virus variants! More than 10 countries ban British flights to the country, national airlines are temporarily unaffected | Life | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Variants of virus! More than 10 countries prohibit the entry of British flights to the country

Reporter Chen Zhiyu / Taipei Report

2020-12-21 13: 24: 09 |2020-12-21 13:24:12

British Airways
▲ The pneumonia epidemic in the new British crown is serious. Currently, more than 10 countries have banned international flights from the UK. (Photo / Photo by reporter Chen Zhiyu)

A variant of the new corona pneumonia virus appeared in the UK, which has increased its infectivity by 70% compared to the parent virus. Currently, more than 10 countries, including France, Italy, Portugal and the Netherlands, have announced restrictions on the entry of British Airways and people who have been to the UK in the last 14 days. If Taiwan wants to follow up, Transport Minister Lin Jialong said today (21) that the Civil Aviation Administration will discuss with the command center, and the command center will decide whether to ban British Airways from entering the country. Both China Airlines and EVA Air said that current flights to and from the UK are not influences.

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The UK added 35,928 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia on day 20, and a new strain of virus appeared with a 70% increase in infectivity. British Prime Minister Johnson & Johnson announced that the epidemic alert level in London and the east and southeast of England will be raised to level 4. The restrictions are almost equivalent to the closure of the city, and other regions also canceled the rest plan of 5 days to the Christmas holidays. Currently, more than 10 countries, including France, Italy, Portugal and the Netherlands, prohibit international flights from the UK. Some countries also require the last 14 days. People who have been to the UK cannot enter either. In this regard, Transportation Minister Lin Jialong said that Taiwan has not yet complied with the ban. The Civil Aviation Administration will discuss with the command center and the command center will decide whether to ban British Airways from entering the country. Both China Airlines and EVA Air said current flights to and from the UK will not be affected. .

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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