Video exhibition! Puyuma passengers chased and beat the train conductor, dumbfounded witnesses: really jealous-Society-Zhongshi


A man was unwilling to offset the ticket when he was on the train, and suddenly he furiously shook the conductor.  (Provided by the public / Faxed by Qiu Liya Bamboo City)
A man was unwilling to make up the ticket when he was on the train and suddenly enraged the conductor. (Provided by the public / Faxed by Qiu Liya Bamboo City)
After the train arrived at Hsinchu station, the conductor indicated that he was refusing to move the tough man.  When the police stepped forward to understand the situation, the man was still emotionally unstable.  (Provided by the public / Faxed by Qiu Liya Bamboo City)
After the train arrived at Hsinchu station, the conductor indicated that he was refusing to move the tough man. When the police stepped forward to understand the situation, the man was still emotionally unstable. (Provided by the public / Faxed by Qiu Liya Bamboo City)

On the morning of the 22nd, a 30-year-old man took Puyuma from Yunlin north with a section ticket. After the driver’s request for a replacement ticket was rejected, the man suddenly lost control and became angry. Knock down. When the train stopped at the Hsinchu station, the police stepped forward to understand the situation, the man refused to show his identification and continued to growl and roar, the police countered and handcuffed him back to the scene.

The man took the Puyuma train from Yunlin only to go to Taipei, but the conductor found out that the man had bought a section ticket, so he asked to make up the difference, but the man was not only unwilling to cooperate, but to he suddenly screamed into the compartment. And even roughly on the train, the whole process was photographed by people’s mobile phones.

In the movie, it can be seen that the driver was chased and pushed all the way by men. In addition to staggering a few times, the man also knocked over the driver’s goggles and mask. The other passengers were all scared, but there were also people who advised the men not to “do this.” Son. The man stopped angrily and ran away. He turned his head and looked at the driver and cried out. Passengers who witnessed filmed the video and put it on the PTT, saying, “I can only say that this kind of thing is really ridiculous.”

The train conductor informed the police that he was refusing to take the man. The railway police waited on the platform at the Hsinchu train station. After the man got off the train, he continued to roar at the police. The police demanded that he show his identity document. The man angrily replied “No!” During the process, because the man was excited, he was countered by the police and handcuffed back to the scene.

After the police returned the man to control, they checked the facial recognition system and found that he lived in New Taipei City and had symptoms of severe mental disability. He has contacted the man’s father to go south for treatment. Furthermore, the police informed the train conductor of his rights in relation to the assault on the train conductor by a man, and the train conductor stated that he reserved the right to report the injuries. In the process, neither the police nor the man were injured.

The Taiwan Railways Administration explained that for the 110th Puyuma bound for Chaozhou, when the train conductor checked the tickets of the 4 trains, the passengers with suspected mental disorders only took out tickets for the Taichung-Taipei section and then attacked the train conductor. The train captain immediately notified the Hsinchu railway police that the railway police led the return police station to implement protection and control in accordance with the law, and had contacted the family members. Once the relatives arrived at the highway police station, the police would assist the relatives with follow-up treatment.

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(During the middle)
