Victimized Student Was Scared By Honey Glider Crawling On Trial Test To Slow Down Her Cheeks For Owner-China TV News


The victimized student was scared by the honey glider crawling on the test run to slow her cheeks for the owner

Schematic diagram of the learning test and the honey glider. (Composite image / data photo, free gallery)

Full report from Zhu Peiyu / Taipei City

The subject skill test for 110 academic year high school students (academic test) ended on the 23rd, but a few days ago it happened that “honey gliders” slipped out of their school bags during the test and even climbed on the neck of another examined. Yelling and yelling also affected test progress; then a netizen claiming to be a friend of the owner came forward to restore the experience, and there was also a friend called a victim student who responded on his behalf and said she had received the owner’s apology and thanking many netizens for helping.

Learn to try out terrified honey gliders candidates, owners, and friends

When a student from Zhongshan Girls’ High School participated in this year’s test, a “honey glider” suddenly appeared in the exam room and climbed onto her body. She also fell to the ground scared and screamed, not only scaring other students in the exam room, which also affected the progress of the exam, and the student also issued a later post saying that she was imitated and ridiculed by other candidates, and the school did not provide any assistance, which made her feel very powerless; The University Exam Center responded that it was the illegal handling of candidates carrying bags of honey. Transfer the collected information to the review committee for deliberation.

After the incident was exposed, heated discussions erupted on the internet. A netizen who claimed to be a friend of the owner explained the incident on “Dcard”, noting that the friend (the owner) immediately apologized to the student. And the other party also agreed, and explained that the owner would bring honey gliders to the exam room “not planned”, but because the day before the test he was called to work temporarily and the house was far from the exam room. examination, had rest in a hotel near the examination room, and her family arrived too late. Help take care of the pet. The owner will bring the honey glider into the exam room only if there is no one to care for.

A netizen who claimed to be a friend of the owner explained the incident on

A netizen who claimed to be a friend of the owner explained the incident on “Dcard”. (Flip from Dcard)

I have received an apology! Relayed student friend: Don’t abuse the owner too much

The netizen also said: “Before the exam, he closed the pet’s exit bag. He even had a plastic bag with some holes to make sure it didn’t come out. He didn’t expect it, but he caused an accident.. He also blamed himself. himself. “.

Additionally, a netizen who claimed to be friends with a female student also responded on Plurk, stating that “my friend (the victim) actually received an apology at this point” and said seeing many people speak for her. I am thankful, “But too much attack on the owner of the honey bag glider also makes my friends feel a bit pressured. I hope everyone can’t overuse the owner in an exaggerated way. I think the University Exam Center will take the appropriate measures. Thanks for the “People from the heart in Polang” guy. Furthermore, he also added that it was the owner himself, not the student victim, who received the exams on the spot, and hoped that “not everyone will be angry about this false part “.”

Netizens claiming to be friends with female students also responded on Plurk.  (Flip from Pulang)

Netizens claiming to be friends with female students also responded on Plurk. (Flip from Pulang)

News source: China TV News
