Victimized Doctor Zhou Jingkai in Heping Hospital Closure Restores All History and Removes the Stigma of “Falling” for 18 Years | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


Zhou Jingkai, a doctor who was a victim of the closure of the Heping hospital, recounted the beginning and end of the hospital closure on the show today

Zhou Jingkai, a doctor who was a victim of the Heping hospital closure, recounted the beginning and end of the hospital closure today on the Sanli news channel’s “New Taiwan” program (29). New Taiwan ”

After the Wuhan pneumonia cluster case broke out at Taoyuan Hospital, the former North City Health Director Qiu Shuti came out of the 2003 SARS and the peaceful closure of the hospital and bombarded the central government with the image of a whistleblower, sparking controversy. Victim Zhou Jingkai, a doctor who was a victim of the Heping hospital closure, played the full story of the hospital closure on the Sanli news channel’s “New Taiwan Come On” program today (29).

During the hospital closure, Zhou Jingkai, the former director of the Department of Digestive Surgery at Heping Hospital, was removed from his post by the Beishi Municipal Health Office, fined 240,000 yuan and suspended for 3 months due to the delay in returning. to the hospital. To seek redress, he went through 2 million litigation in 7 years but lost all cases, exhausted all judicial remedies and was unable to obtain redress.

On April 24, 2003, after having lunch, Zhou Jingkai stated on the “New Taiwan” program tonight that he saw that a cordon had been pulled outside the hospital to close the hospital, so he went straight home. After returning home, he went to the World Health Organization (WHO) website to check. According to WHO regulations, there has been a cluster infection outbreak in the hospital. Medical personnel who have contacted confirmed patients and do not have a fever should stay home for 10 days for observation to avoid cross-infection.

Zhou Jingkai said that after seeing the television reports that all medical personnel had to be called to the hospital for isolation, Zhou Jingkai found it unbelievable and believed that they had violated WHO regulations. He faxed the WHO epidemic prevention information to the Taipei City Council and other units, but it was not accepted.

After Zhou Jingkai was quarantined at his home for 8 days, the Beijing municipal government threatened to detain him with “medical personnel must return to the hospital to treat patients.” He was forced to return to the Hospital de la Paz on May 1. Zhou Jingkai’s wife, Li Yiyin, added that the police would still ring the bell at that time: “I will not open the door because we have the right to life and human rights.”

Zhou Jingkai said that when he returned, he found that not only was there no control, no isolation, and that not everyone had a mask to wear. When the hospital was closed, there were more than 1,000 family members of all the medical staff and patients, the hospital only had more than 400 beds, and there were only 28 individual wards, which was not enough.

When the hospital was closed peacefully, then-mayor Ma Ying-jeou once said that medical care would not be returned to the hospital for “disobedience to the enemy.” Zhou Jingkai was reportedly removed from office for violating major government orders and severely damaging the government’s credibility, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act, suspension of business for 3 months, and a fine of 240,000 yuan. Zhou Jingkai said that in order to vindicate the decision to assert the lawsuit, 3 lawsuits were lost in 7 years and 9 trials. Later, he was “persecuted and killed” with the crime of public danger, but fortunately he was not convicted.

After the Wuhan pneumonia cluster case broke out at Taoyuan Hospital, former North City Health Director Qiu Shuti came out of the 2003 SARS and peaceful closure of the hospital and bombarded the central government with the image of a whistleblower, sparking controversy. Victim Zhou Jingkai, a doctor who was a victim of the Heping hospital closure, played the full story of the hospital closure on the “New Taiwan Come On” program on the Sanli news channel today (29).

Zhou Jingkai and his wife Li Yiyin were interviewed by host Liao Xiaojun.Picture: Movie summary

Zhou Jingkai and his wife Li Yiyin were interviewed by host Liao Xiaojun.Picture: Summary of the movie “Go on New Taiwan”
