Very high salary! How difficult is the pilot test? Net exposure “1 threshold”: Eliminate a group of people | New | NOWnews Today News


Very high salary! How difficult is the pilot test? Net exposure “1 threshold”: Eliminate a group of people | New | NOWnews Today News

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Very high salary! How difficult is the pilot test? Net exposure “1 threshold”: eliminate a group of people

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-26 23:36:54

▲ Planes, pilots (photography / Pexels)
▲ Some netizens are curious about “How difficult is it to take the pilot test? To get such a high salary,” the topic also sparked heated discussions. (Photo / Pexels)

A few days ago, a New Zealand pilot was diagnosed and violated epidemic prevention measures, resulting in Taiwan’s confirmed local record zero of 253 days. After the outbreak, the pilot position has attracted the attention of all realms of life, and netizens are even more curious about how difficult the pilot test is. It is possible to have such a high salary ”. As soon as the problem arose, it sparked heated discussions.

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A netizen posted a discussion on PTT, “How difficult is it to get admitted as a pilot? Seeing that the salary of pilots is higher than that of medical graduates, but the admission rate for pilot training is said to be very low, how difficult is it? I heard some non-scientific and engineering departments or non-prestigious universities are also taking the exam. “

▲ Villagers pointed to the
▲ Villagers indicated the “high threshold” for being a pilot. (Image / ptt review)

After the post was exposed, many netizens also responded: “Registration requirements for training pilots are open, English and physical fitness first,” “Innate physical examination will be removed first,” “The pilots are very demanding with the physical conditions. ” Stop, I can’t fly if I’m not careful. I’m not home for half a month and my wife doesn’t know where to go “.” Physical exam, English, and learning skills are very important. This job is more difficult than TSMC. “

Also, some netizens broke “threshold 1” and immediately eliminated a group of people. “The main reason is that the cost is very high. If you want to study abroad, millions of people cannot escape.” “It takes a few years to train with 3-5 million people, but a lot of people can’t do it.”

▲ In the Aviation Development Association, the relevant thresholds for obtaining pilots are listed in detail.  (Image / Flip Photo Aviation Development Association)
▲ In the Aviation Development Association, the relevant thresholds for obtaining pilots are listed in detail. (Image / Flip Photo Aviation Development Association)

In fact, according to the information from the Aviation Promotion Association, if you want to be a pilot, you can choose to participate in the pilot training contracted by the airline project, or you can invest in a foreign flight school and obtain a flight license. flight issued by the local country. He was admitted to the airline before age 30 and the self-taught pilot needs to take a 250-hour CPL at the age of 37. The time and cost of the two are different, but both require strict training to become a qualified pilot. (Publisher: Pan Yi)

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