Vaccination Speed ​​Too Slow, Experts: It Will Take Ten Years for America to Reach Herd Immunity TechNews


Many countries are already administering the new coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine to the public, but current progress in delivering the vaccine is far from sufficient to prevent a recurrence of the epidemic. The UK was the first country in the world to introduce a new coronavirus vaccine, but a research report noted that to prevent the third wave of the outbreak, the UK must vaccinate 2 million people every week. Even if the United States, where the epidemic is most severe, uses defense resources for vaccine delivery plans, progress is far from expected. Experts bluntly say that to achieve herd immunity, the current rate of delivery of vaccinations can take another ten years.

Now the acceptance of vaccines by the global public is increasing. Ipsos Global Advisor surveyed over 13,500 adults in 15 countries / regions and found that Russia has 43%, South Africa 53% and France only 40% of each country’s vaccination willingness. The main countries have a high disposition to strike, 80% in China and 77% in the United Kingdom. The United States is also beginning to undertake a large-scale vaccination campaign in earnest, with 69% now wanting to get vaccinated.

The British government stated that the UK has signed contracts with various vaccine developers to procure 357 million doses of vaccine in advance. Since the start of vaccination in the UK earlier this month, 600,000 people in the UK have received the first dose of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

But the vaccination rate must be faster to avoid another outbreak of the epidemic. A British study warned that if large numbers of people are not vaccinated, the number of cases, hospitalizations and patients admitted to intensive care units in 2021 will even exceed 2020. According to an analysis by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine , 2 million people must be vaccinated each week to prevent a new wave of epidemics from having a greater impact.

The United States has also started administering the vaccine, but it doesn’t seem so easy.Trump AdministrationofThe “Operation Warp Speed” vaccine distribution plan is progressing rapidly. The goal is to vaccinate 20 million people before the new year. The ultimate goal is for 80% of the 330.7 million people in the country to complete vaccination by the second quarter of next year to achieve the goal of herd immunity. To achieve this goal, more than 3 million people will need to be vaccinated every day. At the current rate, it will take about ten years to vaccinate enough Americans to control the pandemic.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses. 80% of the population of the United States is approximately 264 million people. Therefore, the United States needs 528 million doses of vaccine to obtain herd immunity. The US government claims that 11.5 million doses of vaccine have been administered in the past two weeks, but since the vaccine was distributed two weeks ago, only about 2 million people have been vaccinated, the majority of which are frontline medical staff and some nursing home residents.

The next president of the United States, Biden, condemned the slowness of the Trump administration. He said: “We are grateful to companies, physicians, scientists, researchers and participants in clinical trials, as well as the rapid development of the vaccine. But as I have long warned and concerned.” Thus, efforts to distribute and administer this vaccine have not made the progress they deserve. “

The Washington Post also criticized: “The first batch of vaccine delivery plans should be the simplest. Hospitals and nursing homes are administering vaccines for their own people. If this doesn’t make things go well, it won’t be for him. rest of the country. good sign. “

(Source of the first image: Flickr / Pedro Szekely CC By 2.0)
