US First Large-Scale Relief Check Features British Variation of Virus, Hopes to Go Away, US Stocks Backtrack |


US stocks rose moderately in early trading on Tuesday (29), setting stocks at record intraday highs. However, as hopes for larger-scale stimulus controls faded, US stocks reversed and said goodbye. From yesterday’s all-time highs. US stock indices collectively closed lower. More than 0.2%.

The US House of Representatives passed the $ 2,000 ransom check bill on Monday with a vote of 275 to 134. On Tuesday, US Senate Minority Leader Schumer tried to pass the bill. law by anonymous voting. However, Operation Schumer was received by the Republican majority. Leader McConnell rejected it.

US President Trump tweeted: “Unless Republicans want to die, and this is the right thing to do, they should pass the $ 2,000 ransom check ASAP. $ 600 is not enough!”

The Federal Standards Committee (Fed) announced that the Main Street Business Loan Program will be extended from December 31, 2020 to January 8, 2021 to allow more time for processing on or before December 14. The companies presented apply for loans and make loans. US Treasury Secretary May Mnuchin approved the plan’s extension.

The global epidemic of new corona pneumonia (COVID-19) continues to have a fever. Before the deadline, according to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of confirmed cases worldwide has exceeded 81.71 million and the number of deaths has exceeded 1.78 million. The United States has accumulated more than 19.44 million cases were diagnosed and the accumulated number of deaths exceeded 336,000.

The British variant of the new corona pneumonia virus is coming fiercely. On Tuesday, the United States confirmed the first case of indigenous infection of the British variant of the new corona virus. The case is a man in his 20s in Elbert County, Colorado, who is currently in isolation and has no recent foreign travel history.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that more than 11.4 million doses of the new crown vaccine have been dispensed since Dec. 13, but only about 2.1 million have been administered. doses, and the United States may not be able to meet its goal of vaccinating 20 million people by the end of the year

Tuesday (29) the performance of the four main stock indices of the United States:

  • The Dow Jones index fell 68.30 points, or 0.22%, to close at 30,335.67 points.
  • The S&P 500 Index fell 8.32 points, or 0.22%, to close at 3,727.04 points.
  • The Nasdaq index fell 49.20 points, or 0.38%, to close at 12,850.22 points.
  • The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index fell 6.25 points, or 0.23%, to close at 2,738.05 points.
The top 11 S&P sectors received more blacks, with only health and consumer discretionary products receiving reds.  The real estate, industrial, energy and information technology sectors led the fall.  (Photo: Finviz)
The top 11 S&P sectors received more blacks, with only health and consumer discretionary products receiving reds. The real estate, industrial, energy and information technology sectors led the fall. (Photo: Finviz)

Focus actions

Only Amazon is the only one of the five kings of technology. Apple (AAPL-US) fell 1.33%; Facebook (FB-US) fell 0.079%; Alphabet (GOOGL-US) fell 0.91%; Amazon (AMZN-US) was up 1.16%; Microsoft (MSFT-US) fell 0.36%.

The constituent stocks of Dow Jones are Intel and Amgen with the best results. Intel (INTC-US) rose 4.93%; Amgen (AMGN-US) was up 1.44%; Merck (MRK-US) was up 1.21%; Home Depot (HD-US) fell 1.14%; the sales force (CRM-US) fell 0.97%.

Fei’s semicomponent stocks were mixed. Qualcomm (QCOM-US) was up 0.51%; AMD (AMD-US) fell 1.07%; NVIDIA (NVDA-US) was up 0.34%; Micron (MU-US) fell 0.64%.

Taiwanese ADRs fell to the ground. TSMC ADR (TSM-US) fell 0.52%; UMC ADR (UMC-US) fell 3.82%; ASE ADR (ASX-US) fell 2.88%; Chunghwa Telecom ADR (CHT-US) fell 0.70%.

Stock Market News

Third Point, a US hedge fund run by star trader Daniel Loeb, said on Tuesday (29) that Intel has lost to TSMC, Samsung and AMD, and asked Intel to explore strategic alternatives. Intel (INTC-US) spiked high on Tuesday, hitting a one-day high of $ 50.67 per share, eventually receiving a 4.93% dividend at $ 49.39 per share.

After the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) lifted a 20-month ban last month, American Airlines (AAL-US) resumed Boeing 737 MAX flights for the first time in the United States. Boeing (BA-US) gave up early earnings after rising 2.6% and closed 0.074% higher.

Apple fell 1.33% to $ 134.87 a share. Well-known tech expert Jon Prosser broke the news on the Youtube Front Page Tech show on Tuesday (29) that Apple’s first foldable iPhone could be released in 2022 or 2023 and will support 5G technology.

Investment bank Goldman Sachs is optimistic about Snapchat’s upbeat revenue growth prospects and raised Snap’s price target (SNAP-US). Snap’s share price rose 6.15%.

Economic data

  • The monthly growth rate of the House Price Index in major US cities S&P 20 in October was 1.3%, down from 1.27% previously.
  • The annual growth rate of the House Price Index in major US cities S&P 20 in October was 7.9%, which is expected to be 6.95% and the above value is 6.57 %

Wall Street Analysis

NovaPoint Chief Investment Officer Joseph Sroka said: “Majority Leader McConnell’s decision to disapprove of the $ 2,000 ransom check bill caused US stocks to turn red around noon.”

Stephen Massocca, Senior Vice President of WedBush Securities, said: “The Senate Republican Party will take similar action. After McConnell, I don’t think it will hit $ 2,000.”

The Russell 2000 Index fell more than 1.8%, the biggest one-day drop in a month. Stephen Massocca said: “The sharp decline in small-cap stocks may indicate concerns about an increase in infections as it will lead to a slower restart than expected.”

After the US stock market rallied strongly from the March low of this year and went from a bear market to a bull market at record speed, the top three US stock indices will also deliver strong returns this year. year. The S&P 500 Index is up 15.6% this year, the Dow Jones Index is up 6.6%, and the Nasdaq has soared 44% so far.

Rob Haworth, Senior Investment Strategist at Bank of America Wealth Management, said: “We believe that the turnover is still in progress, so as we look to 2020, as the end of the year approaches, the energy and financial industries they are actually still lagging behind. Room to catch up, especially now that we reopen the economy. “
