US Ambassador to the United Nations Visits Taiwan and Calls on the Green Committee: KMT Must Assume Great Responsibility | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


DPP legislator Chen Tingfei.  Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo (data photo)

DPP legislator Chen Tingfei. Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo (data photo)

Kelly Craft, the permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations, originally planned to arrive in Taiwan this afternoon (13), but temporarily requested a card. In this sense, the DPP legislators expressed regret and regret, and respected the decision of the United States Department of State. DPP lawmaker Chen Tingfei believed that Kraft had been criticized by the Kuomintang before coming to Taiwan, and the Kuomintang should bear great responsibility for this cancellation. Responsibility: Legislator Luo Zhizheng said that this is the general consideration of the US State Department, not against Taiwan.

Kraft was originally scheduled to visit Taiwan on the 13th for a three-day visit during which he planned to meet with Tsai Ing-wen. Unexpectedly, the US Department of State announced on the 12th Eastern time that it would cancel the US Secretary of State to ensure that the old and new governments were handed over. The visit plan of all officials, including Peo.

In this regard, Chen Tingfei said in an interview that the US ambassador to the United Nations should be welcomed throughout the country if she came to Taiwan. He did not expect to receive endless criticism and cold words from the Kuomintang before his arrival. “Cold buttocks are going to dry out.” Therefore, he believes that the Kuomintang must bear great responsibility for this cancellation.

Concubine Chen Ting-jeou sighed that former President Ma Ying-jeou also received former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, but they all worked together to welcome him, but now from Ma Ying-jeou to the President of the Jiang Qichen party, everyone in the Kuomintang is singing bad news. A high-ranking official will feel very sad and will feel the importance of this trip to Taiwan.

As for the doubts of some people, if people are not here now, is Laizhu open for nothing? Concubine Chen Ting frankly said that this should not be involved, and that this incident can only be said to be regrettable.

Luo Zhizheng believes that there is no unusual calling card for this trip. This is the general consideration of the US Department of State The Secretary of State also canceled the visit. Therefore, it is not directed at Taiwan. It does not require excessive association and will not affect the relations between Taiwan and the US.

Xu Zhijie said that when the United States entered the transition of power, Washington even declared a state of emergency, and even the Secretary of State’s visit was canceled. Therefore, Kraft was unable to come to Taiwan this time. We feel it is a shame that we hope to have the opportunity next time. Come visit Taiwan. “

Kelly Craft, the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, was originally scheduled to arrive in Taiwan today (13) afternoon, but temporarily requested a card

DPP lawmakers expressed regret and regret, and respected the decision of the US State Department. DPP lawmaker Chen Tingfei believed that Kraft received endless criticism from the Kuomintang before coming to Taiwan, and the Kuomintang should take over. a great responsibility for this cancellation; Vero Zhizheng said that this is the general consideration of the US State Department and is not directed at Taiwan.
