Twenty-three people in Norway died after being vaccinated, and the risk for the elderly is emerging | TechNews


Europe has launched vaccines to control the COVID-19 epidemic. However, in Norway, 23 people died after the first dose of the vaccine. Authorities stated that the COVID-19 vaccine may be too dangerous for very old and terminally ill people.

Countries are evaluating the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, and Norway’s statement this time is the most cautious of European health authorities so far.

Norwegian officials said 23 people in the country died shortly after the first dose of the vaccine. The Norwegian Medicines Agency (Norwegian Medicines Agency) said 13 of them have undergone autopsy and the results show that common side effects can have serious reactions in the elderly and frail vaccinators.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health said in a statement: “For extremely frail people, even relatively minor side effects from vaccines can have serious consequences; for those who may die soon, the vaccines benefits may be trivial or irrelevant. “

Norway’s advice doesn’t mean that younger, healthier groups shouldn’t get vaccinated. Emer Cooke, executive director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), once said that once vaccination is fully promoted, monitoring the safety of vaccines, especially vaccines that are based on new technologies such as messaging of ribonucleic acid (mRNA), will be one of the biggest challenges. .

At least 33,000 people in Norway have received the first dose of the vaccine, most of whom are considered to be at higher risk after infection, including the elderly. The Pfizer & BioNTech vaccine approved for use in Europe late last year was the most widely used, and the Moderna vaccine approved for use this month was also administered.

The supervisory authority stated in a January 14 report that Norwegian authorities are investigating 29 possible side effects, of which almost ¾ are people over 80 years of age.

Local media Click2Houston in Houston reported that a doctor in South Florida died 2 weeks after vaccination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is clarifying the cause of death.

According to information from the Texas Department of Health, as of December 29 of last year, 250,000 people in Texas had been vaccinated. During this period, 287 cases were reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Side Effects Reporting System (VAERS), 11 of which were classified as serious. The response included the death of an 84-year-old woman, a report of lifelong paralysis, and other serious cases who were hospitalized for 1 to 4 days.

China’s “Global Times” reported that Chinese health experts called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of Pfizer & BNT, Modena and other vaccines that use mRNA technology, especially for the elderly; a Chinese immunologist said that the use of mRNA technology Vaccine research and development is too hasty and has never been used for large-scale prevention of infectious diseases in the past, and the safety of large-scale human use has not yet has been shown.

Wuhan University virologist Yang Zhanqiu said that if deaths in Norway are confirmed to be caused by vaccines, it means that the Pfizer vaccine and other vaccines that use mRNA technology are not as effective as expected. After all, mRNA vaccines are for treatment.

The principle of the mRNA vaccine is that after injection, the mRNA will teach the human body to recognize the spike protein of the new coronavirus, so that the body can produce neutralizing antibodies to stop the virus before infection.

However, Yang Zhanqiu said that during the reaction process of mRNA vaccines, toxic substances can be produced, so it is difficult to guarantee absolute safety, and the inactivated vaccines currently used in China adopt more mature technologies and not they will have such problems.

In an interview with the Global Times, a Beijing immunologist who did not want to be named said that the elderly should not be advised to receive any COVID vaccines, especially those over 80 years old. Currently, China only administers vaccines to people between 18 and 59 years of age, because during clinical trials of the vaccine, there is relatively little data for people under 18 and over 60 years. (Image source: shutterstock)

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