Trump White House meets with many congressmen who challenge electoral votes | Senators | Election fraud | Electoral College


[La Gran Época 22 de diciembre de 2020](Epoch Times reporter Lin Yan reported) United States President Trump (Trump) met with various members of the House at the White House on Monday (December 21). When Congress met on the 6th, the disputed state rejected the electoral vote of the Democratic candidate and former Vice President Biden.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows confirmed that President Trump met with several members of Congress on Monday to discuss suspected voter fraud and will “fight back.”

Meadows wrote on Twitter: “Several Members of Congress just met with the President in the Oval Office.” He added that members of Congress are preparing to counter mounting evidence of voter fraud, so stay tuned.

Several Republican congressmen who attended the meeting are reported to include: Mo Brooks from Alabama, Matt Gaetz from Florida, Andy Biggs from Arizona), Jim Jordan from Ohio (Jim Jordan), Jody Hice from Georgia (Jody Hice), etc.

Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville of Alabama has spoken with President Chuan in Mandarin and will join the process of blocking Biden’s electoral votes. Another senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul (Rand Paul), also said that he could join the ranks of representatives of the House of Representatives.

These congressmen recently stated that they will question Electoral College votes in certain states during the joint meeting of Congress on January 6. Last week, states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada produced a “double vote.” Except for the state-elected Democrats who voted by electoral votes, they questioned voter fraud and the state. Republicans who failed to conduct due diligence in government also voted for their own “replacement” electoral votes.

According to the rules of the electoral process, for each state to be challenged, a member of the Senate and House of Representatives is required, and both houses must agree to reject electoral votes before they can be changed to “substitute” votes.

On December 14, Biden won 306 electoral college votes nominated by various state governments, and Trump won 232 electoral votes. If the Supreme Court overturns the results of Pennsylvania’s election, Biden will still have 286 electoral votes, more than the 270 needed to win the presidency.

Brooks: Without an honest electoral system, there would be no republic

Representative Brooks told The Epoch Times on Monday: “On the subject of voter fraud and election theft, the only thing that allows Congressmen and Senators to act and do what is good for our country is that we need those who want elections. honest and accurate. Active participation of US citizens ”.

“It is very simple. American citizens should call their members of Congress and senators and ask them to support this effort to protect our electoral system from fraud and illegal behavior,” he said.

After Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admitted that Democratic nominee Joe Biden had won a few days ago, he also told senators not to challenge the Electoral College vote count in January.

Congressman Brooks said McConnell’s comments have nothing to do with this, because this time it’s about electoral integrity and fraud, not the political spectrum.

“Should members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate support or consent to electoral fraud and election theft, or should they choose to fight? We must know that our electoral system is the cornerstone of our Republic, “he asked rhetorically. “Without an honest and accurate electoral system, there would be no republic.”

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
