Trump vetoed the “Support Taiwan and Fight China” National Defense Authorization Law. Congress meets for a new vote next week | International |新 头壳 Newtalk


US President Trump Image: Summary from the White House flickr website

US President Trump Image: Summary from the White House flickr website

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2021, which contained a statement in support of Taiwan’s resistance to China, was returned to the House of Representatives by US President Trump today with his veto power. The House of Representatives is expected to vote again on the 28th and the Senate is also expected to meet on the 29th to discuss.

Trump has repeatedly expressed via Twitter that he will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021. Ten days after the bill reached the White House, Trump formally exercised his veto power today and returned the bill. of law to the House of Representatives.

Trump stated in the statement that the bill did not include key national security measures, that the provisions contained in it did not respect US veterans or military history, and that it was inconsistent with the efforts of the US government. In matters of national security and foreign policy actions. It is a “gift” for China and Russia.

Trump also reiterated his discontent that the bill did not modify Article 230 of the Communications Decency Act. He noted that this provision promotes the dissemination of false foreign information on the Internet and represents a serious threat to the national security and electoral integrity of the United States and should be abolished.

Clause 230 is primarily to exempt online platform operators from liability for infringement of inappropriate information or content of others, and to allow content review.

The chairman of the House Committee on the Armed Forces, Adam Smith, issued a statement in which he stated that Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act made it clear that he does not care about American soldiers and their dependents. , that it deprived federal employees of parental leave benefits and that necessary military construction projects will not be promoted as scheduled. This bill received overwhelming support in Congress and it is believed that Congress will override this damaging veto power.

Under the regulations, after the president exercises veto power, if Congress re-votes and passes a bill in the Senate and House of Representatives with an absolute majority of 2/3 or more, the veto power of the president can be annulled and the bill will go into effect.

Currently, the House of Representatives plans to vote on an additional opening meeting on the 28th, with the Senate expected to meet on the 29th.

The National Defense Authorization Bill was approved in the House of Representatives with 335 votes in favor and 78 against on the 8th, and the Senate with 83 votes in favor and 14 against on the 11th, which shows that the project received broad support from members of Congress. The result of a new vote in Congress has the possibility of overriding Trump’s veto.

The National Defense Authorization Law is related to the annual defense budget of up to 740 billion US dollars, and also contains a statement to support Taiwan and China. The bill includes a reaffirmation of helping Taiwan maintain sufficient self-defense capabilities, ensuring fair employment standards for Taiwanese citizens in international financial organizations, and establishing the Pacific Deterrence Initiative to strengthen the defense capabilities of the United States. in the Indo-Pacific and deter China.

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2021, which contained a statement in support of Taiwan’s resistance to China, was returned to the House of Representatives by US President Trump today with his veto power. The House of Representatives is expected to vote again on the 28th and the Senate is also expected to meet on the 29th.

Trump has repeatedly expressed via Twitter that he will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021. Ten days after the bill reached the White House, Trump formally exercised his veto power today and returned the bill. of law to the House of Representatives. The National Defense Authorization Law is related to the annual defense budget of up to US $ 740 billion, and also contains a statement to support Taiwan and China. The bill includes a reaffirmation of helping Taiwan maintain sufficient self-defense capabilities, ensuring fair employment standards for Taiwanese citizens in international financial organizations, and establishing the Pacific Deterrence Initiative to strengthen the defense capabilities of the United States. in the Indo-Pacific and deter China.
