Trump savagely attacks China! Beijing Shouts Slander … Anti-bullying is a Serious Threat | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


International Center / Full Report

The United Nations celebrated its 75th anniversary this year, and due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak earlier in the year, the United Nations General Assembly decided to change the annual meeting to be held online. US President Trump said in a video conversation that the “Chinese virus” is spreading globally. , Calling on the United Nations to hold China accountable for the epidemic. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded on the 23rd, stating thatThe United States uses the United Nations podium to ignore the facts, fabricate lies, and accuse and smear China without foundation. The facts have shown once again that unilateralism and harassment are the gravest threats facing the world.

▲ The Chairman of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, and the President of the United States, Trump. (Combined image / data photo)

In response to Trump’s bombardment of China’s improper handling of the epidemic and the use of the “Chinese virus” as the new corona pneumonia, Wang Wenbin said it is unfortunate thatThe United States uses the United Nations podium, ignores the facts, fabricates lies, and makes unfounded accusations against China for ulterior political ends. China strongly opposes this.. The facts proved once again thatUnilateralism and bullying are the most serious threats facing the world

Wang Wenbin said that lies cannot replace the truth. The performance of China’s response to the epidemic is clearly seen by everyone and people have their own opinions. The new corona virus is the common enemy of all humanity. China is a victim of the virus and a contributor to the global fight against the epidemic. China reported the epidemic as soon as possible, identified the pathogen as soon as possible, and shared the genetic sequence with the world as soon as possible.

▲ Wang Wenbin, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Wang Wenbin noted that after determining human-to-human transmission of the virus, China made the decisive decision to close the Wuhan Pass for the first time. The Chinese side imposed the strictest closure and traffic control at the outer crossings of Hubei Province and Wuhan City, and China Customs blocked the entire country in accordance with the law. The “four types of people” who are among those who plan to leave the country in various places leave the country. On January 23, when China closed the passage from Han to China, there were only 9 confirmed cases in countries and regions outside of China, and only one in the United States. On January 31, the United States suspended direct flights between China and the United States. On February 2, the United States closed the border to all Chinese citizens. At the time, the United States announced only more than 10 confirmed cases. Action against China’s epidemic is open and transparent, the latitude and longitude of time are clear, and the facts are clear at a glance.

Wang Wenbin said that the United States has repeatedly accused China of the epidemic in an attempt to “shake off” the responsibility of the United States for its ineffective response to the epidemic, which is completely useless. The United States unreasonably attacked and withdrew from the World Health Organization, jeopardizing global cooperation against the epidemic, not only causing harm to the people of the world, but also causing its own people to continue to pay a heavy price; “What the United States must do now is stop political manipulation and abandon labeling of the virus. The politicizing and politicizing approach is to work with the international community to combat the epidemic, rather than shirking responsibility and discrediting others.”

▲ President of the United States, Trump. (Photo / Flip Facebook)

Wang Wenbin mentioned that the facts are also clear about climate change and environmental protection issues. China actively assumes international responsibilities according to its own stage of development and national conditions, and has implemented a series of political actions, and the results are obvious to all. China completed the 2020 climate action goal ahead of schedule and made an important contribution to the global response to climate change. The share of non-fossil energy in China’s total energy consumption has risen to almost 15%. Installed renewable energy capacity has accounted for 30% of the world total, accounting for 44% of the global increase, and the number of new energy vehicles has accounted for more than half of the world.

Wang Wenbin claimed that since 2000, a quarter of the world’s new green area has come from China. China will update and increase its nationally determined contributions, adopt more powerful policies and measures, strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, further reflecting the China’s willingness to work with other countries to build a vision of a vibrant, clean and beautiful world and the responsibility to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

Wang Wenbin said that China is an active participant in global climate governance, is the first group of signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and has made important contributions to the conclusion of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and their implementation rules. With the joint efforts of China and all parties, a series of decisions on adherence to multilateralism were reached at the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Madrid, reflecting the consensus of all parties on climate governance. , laying the groundwork for subsequent negotiations.

▲ Xi Jinping, chairman of the Communist Party of China.

Wang Wenbin arrogantly said that, on the other hand, the United States, as the country with the most accumulated greenhouse gas emissions in the world, did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol or withdraw from the Paris Agreement, denies its own binding tasks. of quantitative emissions reduction and refuses to take minimal action to protect the earth’s home. , Completely separated from the global carbon emission system and agreements, seriously hampering the reduction of global emissions, promoting green and low-carbon development and other related processes. The United States is the world’s largest exporter of solid waste and a large per capita consumer of plastic. However, it refuses to ratify the Basel Convention, which hinders the global process of plastic waste management and transfers a large amount of waste to developing countries locally and globally. The environment has caused great damage. What qualifications does such a country have to blame China?

Finally, Wang Wenbin said: “We urge the United States to stop playing political games, abandon unilateralism, and fulfill its responsibilities to the world.
