Trump: Massive Election Fraud Evidence Will Be Announced January 6 | Joint Conference of Congress | Electoral College | Challenge


[La Gran Época del 2 de enero de 2021](Reported by Jack Phillips / Zhang Yujie) US President Trump (Trump) tweeted on January 1 stating that a large amount of evidence of voter fraud will be released on January 6. It was made public at the joint meeting of the Japanese parliament.

President Trump also declared in this tweet: “We have won the election, a great victory!”

Trump also republished Republican Senator Josh Hawley’s statement from December 30, 2020, in which Hawley announced that he would oppose the January 6 electoral vote.

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Holly said in a statement that “millions of Americans are deeply concerned about the integrity of the elections and their voices must be heard.” “Someone must stand up. The voice of the 74 million American voters cannot be ignored.”

As of now, Holly and some 40 Republican congressmen have announced that they will contest the Electoral College results on January 6 in light of fraud and irregularities in the electoral process.

President Trump voiced his support for this challenge plan by Republicans and recently met with the United States Representative, Mo Brooks, who first proposed the challenge plan, and other Republicans who followed the plan.

Trump’s adviser Jason Miller told Newsmax TV earlier this week that Trump’s team will present further evidence of voter fraud.

“Next week, we will have the opportunity to present all the evidence to the people of the United States,” Miller said, noting that Representative Louie Gohmert filed a lawsuit to prevent Vice President Mike Pence from confirming Biden was elected. Pence’s Justice Department attorney said at the time that Pence should not be prosecuted and that Gomert should have sued Congress.

On January 6, if Holly and other Republican congressmen question the results of a state’s electoral college vote, Trump’s team will show evidence of voter fraud. Challenges to electoral votes require a member of the Senate and House of Representatives to file and sign a statement of objection.

In the interview, Miller stated that Wisconsin and other swing states arbitrarily amended the regulations on the sending of votes; State Farm Center officials in Atlanta, Georgia secretly removed some boxes of ballots on the night of November 3, 2020 (votes were counted without citizen scrutiny); Michigan and Arizona prevented Trump’s team from inspecting the counting system.

“We have to show all kinds of evidence to the American people,” Miller said. “Local politicians cannot be allowed to cover up.”

Prior to this, President Trump had asked his supporters to participate in a rally in Washington on January 6.

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
